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  1. Wow, thank you so much @attila! That info is great! So given that the limit here seems to be USB2 speeds for transferring the waveforms, I have a couple more questions if you dont mind. Do you see there ever being an update to the firmware on the ad3 that does the math onboard and then only send the result over usb? I did see that it is possible to run waveforms sdk with an Eclypse Z7 and some accompanying syzygy expansion modules. With that in mind and given that it uses ethernet for data transfer, would it be possible to achieve even higher sampling rates given the current waveforms sdk? Thank you again for the help, this information is a huge aid!
  2. Hello, I have a couple questions regarding the ability to measure impedances with the AD3. I am currently using the FDwfAnalogImpedance set of functions and achieving ~360Hz sample rate. However, for my application I would like to get much higher than this. I feel like this should be able to go higher, as my current test is driving the measurement at 330kHz, period set to 2 and amplitude set to 1V. So if only 2 periods are being used, should the device be able to do up to around 115kHz? I know that in practice it would likely be less than this, but if it was possible to achieve sample rates in the ~10kHz range that would be ideal. With that in mind, my questions are: What is the maximum possible sample rate that can be achieved with the WF SDK? What settings to I need to get the maximum sample rate? Is the impedance calculation happening on device, or within the SDK running on my computer? Thank you in advance for your help!
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