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  1. Raspberry 4B, it has 6 off I2C bus. Could you please which ones are used by MCC128? Could I use the ones which are not used by MCC128? Thanks
  2. I am struggling with the MCC128 board that AD the same thing on all channels As enclosed, it is an example for ch0 input of a battery voltage. Then, I run the example finite_scan.py which AD of channels (0,1,2,3). Suprisingly, all the channels show almost the same value. I have tried other single channel logging, but all the others show the same thing. Could anyone share their experiences? Thanks a lot!
  3. Hi I have tried 4 ch @10kSps per channel. The goal is to save the digitized data without any loss every 1 min in the test. It did not pass the test based on Python example, as it did not scan/acquire the data stream from the buffer. I can see every scan it did get much less data points than expected! Plz advise what is wrong and how to move forward! Thx!!!!
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