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  1. Attila, Thank you for your response. The time between the events will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-10mS. I'd like to have good resolution so it sounds like the alternate trigger will be the way to go. I will do that instead of pursuing the scripting option. Thanks again! Scott
  2. That sounds reasonable. I figured it would be a post processing operation. Is it possible to have the script running in the background when armed and capture system time at the trigger, then have a loop structure monitoring the second channel voltage until a threshold is reached then capture the system time again. Then I just subtract the first timestamp from the second time stamp and I have the value I am looking for? thank you for your help! Scott
  3. Hello! I am interested in creating a script that will record the time from channel 1 being triggered on a single event capture until a resultant event (rising edge) occurs on channel 2. Seems easy enough. Anyone willing to throw some examples at me to get me started? Thanks!
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