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  1. Hi Attila, It wasn't triggering on a glitch. It was triggering because the edge being provided had too slow of a rise time. What is the maximum rise/fall time that this can handle for a trigger?
  2. Hi Attila, Thanks for the response. It actually wasn't ringing or glitch. It turns out the edge was too slow. Do you know what the slowest rise/fall time is that this can handle for a trigger?
  3. Hi Attila, Thank you for the response! I'm getting it to trigger now by using the logic detector as you said. But I'm finding that it will trigger on any edge of the chosen trigger signal, even if I've got everything setup for rising edge trigger. You can see here that it's setup for rising edge trigger on DIO29 but it's triggering on the falling edge. I change it to falling edge, any edge, rising edge and it always just disregards the setting and triggers on the first edge it sees. Do you have any idea what could be happening here?
  4. Hi. I want to use the Digital Discovery Pattern Generator to run a pattern triggered by a signal coming from my system. On the Waveforms GUI it doesn't appear that there's an option to select a DIO to bring the external trigger in or any way to configure it. Am I missing something? Regards, Kevin
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