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  1. I tried with many others cable , on many other computer, with and without any usb hub. the last try I need to try is with 5v DC auxiliary supply.
  2. I tried with many others cable , on many other computer, with and without any usb hub. the last try I need to try is with 5v DC auxiliary supply.
  3. Hello, I hope this message finds you well. We have encountered a critical issue with two of our six Analog Discovery 2 units, and we are in need of assistance. Issue Summary: Devices Affected: 2 out of 6 Analog Discovery 2 units Error Message: "Device configuration failed (post AVCC)" Suspected Cause: Electrical power supply issue Detailed Issue Description: We have been utilizing six Analog Discovery 2 units for our projects without major issues until recently. Two of these devices have ceased to function properly and are consistently displaying the error message "Device configuration failed (post AVCC)". Upon preliminary troubleshooting, it seems that the problem might be related to an issue with the electrical power supply, although we have not been able to diagnose it further or find a resolution. Request for Support: We kindly request your expertise and guidance in troubleshooting and resolving this issue. Any suggestions or steps that we might have missed or further actions that could potentially resolve the error would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards,
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