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  1. Thanks, @attila. Can you expand on what "Frequency Compensation" calibration does? For our testing, we would like to have confidence that the waveforms we are generating through the waveform generator have frequencies that do not become out of sync with "wall time," i.e. we need to be sure that what the unit says is a 1 kHz waveform is actually a 1 kHz waveform. Does the calibration allow for that? If not, how would frequency of the waveform generator get calibrated?
  2. It is unclear to me what calibration is possible using Waveforms on an Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3240/3250) from the page here: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/guides/waveforms-calibration For our purposes, we need to be able to calibrate the all of the waveform generation and oscilloscope features mentioned in the reference page above. Can anyone confirm/deny that the ADP3240/3250's waveform generation and oscilloscope can be calibrated using Waveforms? If not, which Analog Discovery unit allows for waveform generator + oscilloscope calibration using Waveforms?
  3. On a related note, I see a disclaimer in the Analog Discovery Pro ADP5250 product page saying "The ADP5250 is Windows only." This disclaimer does not appear on the Analog Discovery 3 page. Does this mean that just the WaveForms GUI/application only works with the ADP5250 on Windows? Or does this mean that the C/Python APIs for this product based off the WaveForms SDK also only work on Windows? In other words, can I use Python scripts calling the WaveForms SDK using a Linux PC to communicate with an ADP5250? The capabilities and limitations of the drivers utilized by WaveForms isn't immediately clear to me.
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