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  1. Would the acqmodeScanShift mode be better for long time acquisition? About 6 micro-seconds. I want to stream them directly to the PC if possible. And the sampling frequency should be relatively high (20~50 MHz). If yes, how to synchronize it with the trigger?
  2. I set config=1 since I need buffer of 16k, but I am having this error: "Error: device -> __get_info__ -> Invalid channel index provided"
  3. Hello everybody, I am working on measuring a quite long signal using AD2 scope with the WF_SDK. There is no much documentation on some details so I would like to ask how could I do the following: - change the position of the trace so the trigger would be at the beginning of the trace and not in the center (so I can benefit as much as I can from the record of the buffer) - apply samples offset (start record after specific number of samples) - apply continuous recording, when I am calling the record function multiple time (and appending the buffer values to another list each recording) I am observing a lot of samples that are lost. So how can I minimize this lost of samples between a record and another. Thanks in advance
  4. Hello, I am trying to switch the configuration of my AD2 so the scope can record samples up to 16K. I know how to do it using the waveform GUI, but how can we apply it using Python WF_SDK? Thank you!
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