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Li Jun Zeng

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  1. I am running a compiled example with DT9837 and since downloaded a mtl run time compiler 9.3. Now I am running into an error message: Caused by: The 'dt' hardware is not operational using the Data Acquisition Toolbox. Use 'daq.getVendors()' for a list of supported vendors. Support for the vendor may require installation of the driver via the <a href="matlab:daq.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a>. Did download the 32bit lagacy DAQAdapterMatlab "setup.exe" and install, and still get the same error message. Any suggestions to further resolve this error? Thanks and regards.
  2. I have a DT9837 box (DATA Translation). When run the data acquisition application tool, it give me an error message of Matlab runtime (below). I have matlab (2016a) installed. any suggestions how to resolve this problem? Thanks and regards.
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