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Posts posted by Sun

  1. Hello,

    I am currently working with a Diligent Analog 2 and having it hooked up to a opical assembly as a load. I was able to get the python SDK working for the wavegen by cloning the SDK repo here: https://github.com/Digilent/WaveForms-SDK-Getting-Started-PY?search=1 

    However I am trying to replicate a test we're doing using the Impedance analyzer but it does not seem to have any SDK/python test script support currently in the github repo. I would like to know how I can get started with this.

    I have attached a waveform test template for our impedance test below as an example. This is what I would like to replicate in python.

    Thank you,



    PZT Tests - 6.5 kHz to 13 kHz Test Template.dwf3work

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