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Posts posted by jpavlich

  1. The output on the 1608Gx  seems to be working okay.  but the input scans are a little strange.   I have the ch0 input tied to 5V but the reading is moving around when I run some of the sample scripts.  Here is ULAIO2.py output.




    But If I run the Daqami app I get an appropriate output.



    Here is another example with the a_in_scan_background.py output.  Where Ch0 is at 5V and Ch1 is grounded, Ch2 and Ch 3 are not connected.



    I feel like the unit is working okay since the DaqAMI output works but I'm not sure what is going on with the mcc examples.  No change in wiring between the runs.  Any thoughts?   Appreciate the help.

  2. I am trying the 1698GX-2AO and am having better luck with the DAQAMI software.

    but I am having trouble with the python code.


    this is the output I am getting on ch0 (AO1 to Ch0),  I can see on the scope that the output from AO1 is okay via the python code, which is a triangular display.



    Not sure what is going on in the python side.  If I have the instacal set up for single ended that should work correct?   Should I not be using scaled data with a 1608Gx?  I will attach my code.  Thanks.



  3. Hi, we have just started using this device.  The serial number is 2151488.  I have the output hooked up with a twisted pair from AOUT1 to Ch2 in a single-ended configuration.   I will try this on another computer tomorrow. I can change the voltage range sweep and still get a glitch but in a different spot.  But it remains consistent to that spot.  Could it be that the sweep is too fast?   I will try a slower sweep as well.

  4. I am noticing a 'glitch' on the analog output. I am working with 1000Hz triangular output and I see a glitch in the same spot of each cycle.  I can put this signal on an oscilloscope and also see the glitch.  I have attached a file to show the glitch in DAQAmi.  I have the same output on both channels.  In the attachment, I have tied AOUT1 to Ch2.  Have you seen this before? 


  5. I am using the USB-1608GX-2A0 with the  DAQami software.  When using the output AOUT0 in a triangle output and hit the run button and then the stop button the AOUT0 seems to stop at a random place instead of 'turning off' or going to 0.  Is there a way to configure the output to set it to 0 when not collecting?


  6. I would like to do a continuous analog input scan on 1 channel on the USB-1608gx-2AO and the USB-1808x units at their highest rates.

    I would select the options CONTINOUS AND BACKGROUND.  What are the limits of the num_points in the a_in_scan() function(using python) for each of these devices?  As I understand it, I would read from the top half and then the bottom half of the memory buffer to collect the data continuously, right?





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