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Posts posted by amilford

  1. I checked the wiring before because I thought it was that, but it works in QuicDAQ. I attached the one you sent me with a few more display options. No program change.

    Are you adding outside voltage beyond the USB?

    My numbers are close in QuickDAQ, but they are off by .25lbs or 1lb as I larger weights. Next week I will try repeatability with our Instron. 

    My other question about QuicDAQ, can I send an output signal from the digital output on the board? I see a tab, but there isn't anything on it. Is there something there with licensed versions?



  2. QuickDAQ is ok. I have calibrated weights.. It's a lot of guessing just to get kind of close.


    Same results as before. Labview shows no data at all. See attachment. image.png.645f713f8f23ee9fd8833f6e9a22d47e.png 

    No reaction no matter what. Same signal using one channel or all 4. The program doesn't seem to see the device.

    I wasn't asking for a .vi to be made or given, but if the DT9829 can't do what I need it to do, then it is not the option for us.

    So far Labview is useless with this and QuickDAQ is ok, but I need to send signals from the digital output on the board too. I don't see a way of using the output channels.

  3. I tried your program. It can't see any channel. I tried the unmodified .VI that yours was based on. It can't see the channels either.

    Both .VIs require initialization or identification of the board. The only .VIs that work are "..getboard.vi" and "...getboardname.vi". 

    QuickDAQ almost works for what we need. 

    It seems with your board that we need a program that does the following:

    IdentifyBoardandandDefineChannels.vi  +  CalibrateLoadCells.vi  +  ReadandLogLoadandTorque.vi

    I need your device to work before the 30 days are up. If this this can't work, I will have to return it. The NI option requires I spend $8000.00 to do the same thing, but it's with their devices.

  4. Thank you, but the .vi didn't work. I tried playing around with, but to no avail. No signal shows. It's one straight red line that I can't get to move.

    We'll be running our tester with the DT9829 for a day or 2 and the then have to recalibrate it again for a new force. I don't see how to calibrate your device properly. I tried using gage factor, but it isn't accurate unless you calibrate it for a constant static load. I have too many errors trying to setup the DT9829 with the calibration .vi. 

    The computer that will be running this will not have Labview on it, but be running executable(s) in a run-time environment. I would prefer it to have the calibration included so I only have one executable that is flexible, but it will require a difficult program. If I can better understand how to interact with your device, I can could understand how to program with it. It's too bad your company isn't on the NI device driver list or that you didn't use the "develop driver" function in Labview.

    If QuickDAQ could calibrate properly, that would be all that was needed to log the load and torque data to compile. We test the closing and opening of latches. We watch the torque for both directions and see if the closing forces changes over time. 

  5. That kind of works. I can't really get any substantial reading. I press on a load cell and the line goes flat. Why can't Labview see it as a device? I need to be able manage it in the Measurement and Automation to adjust the scaling for adjustments for different loads and torques. I tried QuickDAQ and it doesn't work. I have calibrated weights. Do I need to have power running to it besides the USB?

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