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Posts posted by RBSvensson

  1. It seems I solved the problem. Apparently my Matlab was not completely up to date, so I installed update 8 from the "Updates" pane in the Add-on Manager (was running update 5 before) and I uninstalled Instacal, then reinstalled the MCC support package (which also installs Instacal v.6.60, but it wasn't working previously) and now it works.

    Having a list of the compatible versions might still be useful to others though.


    Sorry for the inconvenience.


  2. I am having some issues getting Matlab to detect my MCC - USB-205 (the "daqvendorlist" command lists it as "Not operational" with a "failed status code" of -226). To help troubleshooting I would like an updated list of compatible Instacal and Matlab / "Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing Hardware" versions (the Matlab homepage only lists up to Matlab version 2020a).

    I am currently running Matlab 2021a, with the MCC support package version 21.1.0, and I have tried Instacal versions 6.60, 6.70, 6.71 and 6.73. (I can detect the board in all versions of Instacal, but Matlab always throws the same error)

    I have access to other versions of Matlab, but before I start going through every combination of Matlab and Instacal version I would like to know which ones are supposed to be compatible.

    Any other suggestions are of course also very welcome.


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