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  1. Thanks Attila, that helped using events rather than data. When using the scope digital channel for I2S, selecting 2 complement didn't give the right output (The logic one does). The negative values were being shown as there integer equivalents, So a sine wave wasn't centered around zero. This made any attempt at Pk2Pk measuring invalid seeing as the small negative values were always over 95% value. Hope this feedback helps. Thanks for your help Matthew
  2. I also tried a script you previously answered someones query with. This also doesn't give me the correct data (I removed the parseInt and division as I want the signed data.
  3. Hi Attila, I found that the Scope I2S doesn't give me consistent results and have changed to the logic I2S. This gives me nice consistent results and I can save the results and chart them using the built in logging when its set to I2S. BUT, If I write a script to save the I2S data, I don't get the same data! (its a pity you can't "View" the script behind built in functions) I want to be able to get the data the same as the logging, I can then process it for the Min, Max and Pk2Pk values I am after for each Input frequency bin.
  4. Further, If I wanted to save the scope.digitalchannels.I2S value as a variable in a script, how do I assign the value to a variable? Using the Peak2Peak value of the maths channel, how can I reset it to ensure its valid for the current run?
  5. That would work, can you send me the workspace file for that as a starting point please?
  6. Hi, I have an Analog Discovery 2 and a Digital Discovery (Great Products) which I have been using to test some designs. I want to test a pre-amplifer with ADC board by sweeping a signal across the audio band and plotting the I2S output of the ADC chip. I have tested the analogue circuit response using the network analyzer (so I get the feedback of the delivered analogue signal), what I want to do now is create a script that runs the network analyzer but instead of using the 2nd analogue input to plot the response, capture the I2S peak values for that frequency and plot/ save them. Is this the right way to do this and can you give me any scripts you may have to start me in the right direction.
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