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Jacob Larsen

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  1. Dear Measurement Computing Engineers I am trying to run your DaqDevDiscovery01.c example file using labwindows 2017 on a windows 10 pro machine. It uses a number of source files including 'conio.h' where _getch and _kbhit are referred but when I try to compile I get the following error messages error: Undefined symbol '__getch' referenced in "o:\LabWindows\MccDAQ\ControleDAQ\cvibuild.ControleDAQ\Debug\ControleDAQ.obj". error: Undefined symbol '__kbhit' referenced in "o:\LabWindows\MccDAQ\ControleDAQ\cvibuild.ControleDAQ\Debug\ControleDAQ.obj". Does anybody know what file I am missing here? I don't see any source files mentioning these 'Measurement Computing' C examples available from their webpage. I have attached the files to this question. Cheers Jacob Larsen ControleDAQ.c ControleDAQ.h
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