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  1. Trying to test the pulse generation capabilities of the DT9816-S. The User Manual statements are below. Where is the software that supports this please? I see none of this in QuickDAQ ...Does Quick DataAcq exist somewhere else ?
  2. Need to use the advertised features of the 9816, external trigger and external ADC clock. I cannot find any documentation/links/faqs on software support. Where is it please ? QuickDAC has an Acquisition Tab item for "Trigger Source - External TTL Neg Edge", but it does not act like it is supported. When I select that option and apply an appropriate trigger pulse, the hardware keeps "waiting for trigger". What is happening here please ? And unfortunately it looks like QuickDAQ won't recognize use of an external ADC clock. Can this please be added soon? From the DT9816 User Manual: Thanks.
  3. So I will need to buy the DASYLAB license for $1300 to use the 9816 in external ADC clock mode ? Can you please answer my question above about using the 9816 to generate a copy of the internal ADC clock and provide that as an output . Is that possible ? Thanks.
  4. Thanks John, It certainly is easy to match the desired sample frequency to my external data source PRF as you suggest. However, its the phase that is critical. I have a low duty cycle input waveform (constant PRF) that needs to be sampled precisely within a 250 to 500ns interval after a mode-based delay from PRF start. I purchased the 9816 based on the data sheet items 1) external ADC clock capable 2) Data logging app included. Unfortunately, the data sheet does not inform us " QuickDaq does not support external ADC clocking." This is a key point a user should know. How do customers use the 9816 external ADC clocking and log data ? This seems like a topic of interest that should be covered in a document somewhere . Are there other software add-ons that can support external clocking (and log data) for the 9816? If I can't sync the 9816 to my external timing, I could try to sync my external system to the 9816 . Can I output a synchronized copy of the 9816 ADC clock to one of the digital outputs? I could then use that to sync my external pulse generator . Regards, Paul
  5. Using 1KHz, 2usec ttl clock to pin 39 for external A/D clock. Using 'software trigger' to get any data sampling to show on the display. Under the "Acquisition info " it shows a different sample rate that is not my external rate but the default internal A/D clock freq set in the sample freq window box. The A/D appears to be not picking up the external clock. The manual says the clock frequency is always equal to the frequency of the external A/D sample clock input that you connect to the module. I do not see any place to select "external clock" within QuickDAQ acquisition tab . Is there some other place I need to go to recognize my external clock ? Do I need to also apply an external trigger as well ? I've tried various pulse widths and frequencies for the external clock with no change in result. Thanks.
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