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Federico Rossi

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Posts posted by Federico Rossi

  1. Hello,

    We have a C# application that runs correctly. If I press the stop on the debugger while it is capturing data the next time I start the program I get the error "A/D is not responding." (DeadAdDev). The workaround to fix it is to disable the device from the Windows device manager, enable it again, and start working fine.

    Is there a way in C# through the API to reset the device and work around the situation in case I get this error? I can disable/enable de device from C# but it requires admin privileges.

    Thank you

  2. Hi Jeffrey,

    Thanks for your reply. We tried with the function OutByte and we can write the first 256 bytes, from 0 to 0x100.

    Between 0x300 to 0x400 we get the error "Device has stopped responding".

    Are we missing something? (We tried Python and C# just in case)

    Can we use those first 256 bytes without compromising DAQ board functionality? We read the first time and it has all FFs. That area seems unwritten by default.

    This is the code we used just in case:

    int board_number = 1;
    int start = 0;
    int total = 256; 
    int i = 0;
    int value;
    ErrorInfo result;
    MccBoard daq_board = new MccDaq.MccBoard(board_number);
    Console.WriteLine("Board name:" + daq_board.BoardName);
    Console.WriteLine("Board number:" + daq_board.BoardNum);
    Console.WriteLine("Reading from " + start + " to " + (start + total).ToString());
    for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
        value = daq_board.InByte(start + i);
        Console.WriteLine("Adresss: " + (start + i).ToString() + " - Value: " + value);
    Console.WriteLine("Writing incremental values from " + start + " to " + (start + total).ToString());
    for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
        result = daq_board.OutByte(start + i, i);
    Console.WriteLine("Reading from " + start + " to " + (start + total).ToString());
    for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
        value = daq_board.InByte(start + i);
        Console.WriteLine("Adresss: " + (start + i).ToString() + " - Value: " + value);



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