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Posts posted by AG1

  1. Hello,

    I'm caught up trying to get to the root cause of this particular issue that I'm facing I have a state machine that I'm using on one of my Dasylab programs that does NOT give me the output required on one specific port. Copy pasting the identical state machine on another program, gives me the exact output I'm looking for. I'm struggling to understand as to why there might be an issue with copy pasting a State Machine from one .dsb file to another. 
    My concern is Output 12 of State Machine00 in the two programs (Original 01 and CopyPasted01) attached below are identical yet they give me different outputs after 31 seconds. Also, it is known outputs 1 to output 11 work exactly the way we want it to. The sampling rate is out of the equation because the output is independent of the input, however, to eliminate the sampling rate as a potential root cause I've tried with another brand new USB-201 and the output follows the same pattern. Any help on the matter will be appreciated. 

    Thanks Much!



    Anmol Gurkha


    Original01.DSB CopyPasted01.DSB

  2. Hello Fausto,
    Thanks for the help. I've hit another roadblock I was hoping to use your help for. The link that you provided in the previous post has archived versions of Dasylab however, the only 2 versions available in Dasylab 2020 are either Build 339 or Build 286. I managed to install Build 339 on my new laptop and setup my software only to realize that it is not compatible with the 15.1.0 Run Time Version Build 514, which is what we previously had. Using 2020.0.0 Build 339, I've had to make a ton of changes to the software logic just because otherwise it actuates the wrong module. Having said that, the major concern is that the rpm which can be read perfectly on 2020.0.0 Build 339 (on my new laptop) can NOT be read on the runtime license with version 2020.1.0 Build 514. Any help on the matter will be genuinely appreciated.


    Thanks Much!



    Anmol Gurkha

  3. Hello,

    I'm an active user of Dasylab from Measurement Computing. I'd purchased the full option version of Dasylab a year ago. I remember having to go through a very specific process to have Dasylab installed on my laptop back then. Now, that I've recently switched to a new laptop, I was hoping somebody could help me with transferring my license to my new laptop.


    Thanks Much!


    Anmol Gurkha


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