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John Sessa

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Posts posted by John Sessa

  1. OK so It was not checked- so I checked  it and tried to follow the screen prompts;

    Got to Destination Folder Screen with the path C:\Program Files (x86)\DASYLab\

    then hit NEXT and it doesn't like that path: The dialog box wants me to select a valid DASYLab directory;

    so I hit CHANGE and used the pulldown Menu to select the Measurement Computing Directory; It didn't like that either.      :  (

    So...I noticed that the directory that downloaded was named DASYLab 2022_en ; different from what the installer had prompted. So I selected that one  : )

    So I can now see MCC_DVR in all its proper place in DASYLab 


    Thanks Jeff

  2. Hello Jeff

    We just purchased 5 USB-1608G A/D modules. In the boxes are a flyer that says the device requires new driver software (Revision F). The PN on the device is 151440F001L.

    So I have downloaded the  MCC DAQ package but don’t think it’s working. Every time I try to launce InstaCal –it thinks about it, brings up the splash screen then goes away. I have reinstalled and rebooted several times to no avail.

    I have used "right click" to "Run as Administrator" but it does the same thing.

    In DASYLab 2020, when I Measurement>Measurement setup>MCC-DRV>Measurement> yields an error window No DAC devices detected; even though I have the device connected and have a glowing green LED.

    In my C:> Program Files (86)> … I have 3 different folders, DASYLab 2020, DASYLab Support Drivers, and Measurement Computing

    Should they all be in the same directory?

    Need some help


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