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Posts posted by Anatoliy

  1. I am using a USB-1602HS-2AO with LabView, and it worked normally until I moved to a new computer (same Win11). I installed the same LabView 2016, but cannot make the device work. I ran the ICalUL.msi and ULxForLabVIEW.msi but neither LabView nor NI Max see the device. When I am trying to run TracerDAQ, there is an error message (attached). Please suggest a solution.


  2. I am trying to install MCC Daq software but receive a message "... blocked by group policy...", screenshot attached. While i am working with our IT department on resolving the situation, would it be possible to get that software in some other form than self-extracting  mccdaq.exe? For example, as a simple ZIP archive? Possibly, that would eliminate the issue or, at least, help in resolving it.

    Installation Error.png

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