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Posts posted by James7

  1. Hi John,

    I've had another thought on this subject. Is it possible that the code used to read from the MCC 118's sensor could have killed it? I suspect this is not the case given what you've said, but the code was recently modified to increase the scan rate of the sensor, as well as how often it is read by (from every 15 mins to every 1 min). I still suspect the voltage spikes over this, but could it have affected things?



  2. Ah I see what you mean. Pretty sure I can guess the answer, but I'm guessing there's no way of programmatically reinitialising the hat, or I suppose forcing a software update? But yeah, I suppose there's not much I can do until I can physically check the Pi itself.

    On a separate note, do you know what might have caused something like this? I've got another pi in a similar setup, so I'd like to take some precautions on that one if I can. 

    Thanks again,


  3. Hi, thanks for the response. sudo daqhats_read_eeproms and daqhats_list_boards both returned as shown in the screenshots attached. daqhats_read_eeproms seems to return as normal, and daqhats_list_boards recognises the MCC 118, however the versions are listed as 0.00. Finally, the firmware updates on the two 172s returned as expected, however for the 118, it failed with an 'Error entering the bootloader' as shown in the screenshot attached.

    As for the MCC DAQ HAT Manager utility, the PI is running the lite version of Raspbian, so only command line available sadly. Is there any way to access this from the command line?


  4. Hi, I've come across a problem where an MCC 118 hat will always fail to start a scan, returning with an 'Incorrect response' error. This occurs when both using my own code and running the example single_value_read.py. daqhats_read_eeproms detects the board's address correctly, as does daqhats_list_boards, however it does list both the Firmware and Bootloader version as 0.00. 

    Up until recently, it's been working perfectly fine, however now I'm completely unable to read anything from it. Any troubleshooting guidance would be appreciated, however the raspberry pi in question is remote, and I don't currently have physical access to it. 


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