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  1. Oh!!!!! Maybe i haven’t initialized the 2 counters in my design!!! Have to check for this. Thank you!
  2. Hi @artvvbi have some good news. I think my Zybo Z7-20 have a problem with the PS part. I've made a design with a custom AXI4-Lite PWM module (i set values to a register to define the duty cycle and the frequency). It is working in run mode BUT i have to wait about 10 min after clicking "Run" to see the LED blinking on the board. Any ideas? Regards
  3. Hi @artvvb There are no errors when running the program, but nothing happens on the board. I've made a simple program to light up a LED, it works in debug mode, but not in run mode.
  4. Hi! I'm new to SoC development. I bought a Zybo z7-20 board to learn developping HW + SW. My first projects with this board (HW + SW) were working well (with run mode in sdk 2017.4 and vitis 2022.1), but 1 week ago, it stopped working. I have no idea why, i didn't change anything in my hardware nor in my soft... Can anyone help?
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