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  1. I admit the code may not be perfect, but there is only one initialization. The initialization starts a thread the read twice second. I thought I avoided being in the read and having a second call, but maybe I missed something. And it ran for a month and half; then started failing almost constantly. My current thought is a Windows update issue; this machine has had trouble with updates in the past. Thanks for your help; when I find the issue I will try and remember to report back.
  2. I just noticed the can happen during device initialization. So I went to see how far the initialization gets. My module is self testing meaning I have a default main that test the functions of the module. I ran the module standalone and it read temperatures. Well the computer had been rebooted. So I tried the failing code that tries to monitor several different sensors - it failed with error 165. Standalone reported 0 C temperature - don't recall if it had an error. Pulled the USB cable from the USB-Temp, ran the stand alone module and got temperatures. So apparently something in the monitoring program may have changed. The scripts have been stable since October. Can you give me any clues what might cause the USB-Temp to fail when part of a larger picture? If I programmed what I thought I did there is no difference with the way USB-Temp is being accessed between the two programs. Thanks
  3. It is a Windows Application. I believe I got the python example and modified. So I assume it is the Universal Library, but if you tell me how to check I will. It has been running (a few times a week) since October. I am reading every 1/2 second in a thread: def _GetValues(self): while 1: self.value[0] = ul.t_in(self.board_num, 0, TempScale.CELSIUS) self.value[1] = ul.t_in(self.board_num, 1, TempScale.CELSIUS) self.value[2] = ul.t_in(self.board_num, 2, TempScale.CELSIUS) self.value[3] = ul.t_in(self.board_num, 3, TempScale.CELSIUS) self.value[4] = ul.t_in(self.board_num, 4, TempScale.CELSIUS) self.value[5] = ul.t_in(self.board_num, 5, TempScale.CELSIUS) self.value[6] = ul.t_in(self.board_num, 6, TempScale.CELSIUS) self.value[7] = ul.t_in(self.board_num, 7, TempScale.CELSIUS) time.sleep(0.5) # 2 samples per second The main code then calls: def Read(self): return self.value
  4. I am receiving an error 165 - something like can't read please try again. I have a python loop continually polling so reading again isn't the answer. It was working then quit, and then works and quits. I have cycled power. Thanks
  5. How do I get the version of the mcculw package? Usually something like mcculw.VERSION or mcculw.__version__. Thanks
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