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  1. Eminem's post in Command line builds was marked as the answer   
    This is what we ended up with and it seems to work in our Jenkins pipeline
    # Run with the following command line for the 3eg # vivado2022 -mode batch -source mta_build.tcl -tclargs mta_3eg # or for the 5ev board use the following command # vivado2022 -mode batch -source mta_build.tcl -tclargs mta_5ev # if { $argc != 1 } { puts "This script requires one argument for the board you are building" } else { open_project [lindex $argv 0].xpr make_wrapper -files [get_files [lindex $argv 0].bd] -top -import launch_runs synth_1 wait_on_run synth_1 launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream wait_on_run impl_1 write_hw_platform -fixed -include_bit -force -file [lindex $argv 0].xsa } Now if we could only add some tests
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