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Duc Anh Nguyen

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Posts posted by Duc Anh Nguyen

  1. Hi John,

    So just to confirm, to use the DaqHat on Ubuntu OS running on RPi4, I have to follow the instruction provided on the link you attached above, right? Cause currently I have a couple of MCC128, is it possible for us to use it with RPi4 running Ubuntu OS?

    Thank you and regard,

    Duc Anh Nguyen

  2. Hi John,

    Thank you for your message. But I am not running Raspbian OS but Linux on the RPi4, since our application need us to run it in Linux. I have successfully installed one before, but I do not understand why I could not pull it off this time. 

    I have already installed SPI and I2C before installation, and follow exact same procedure as you guys provided. Could you please let me know what else I could do?

    Thank you and have a good day!

  3. Hi,


    I am trying to install the MCC DAQ HAT for the RPi 4. I have it installed successfully before, but there is one problem occurred in my latest installation. After following every step on the github link, I got the install.sh running, but it stuck at the line:

    Reading DAQ HAT EEPROMs

    I thought it was a procedure in the installation, but it stucked at that line forever. It has been a while since I last install a unit, so I did not remember how I pulled it off. I just remember it was pretty straight forward to do. 

    FYI, I have already enable I2C and SPI on my RPi 4, by using raspi-config. I remmeber in my very first installation, it said it does not have a bcm_host.h no file or directory, I fixed this with sudo apt-get install libraspberrypi-dev.

    Thank you,

    Duc Anh Nguyen

  4. Hi,
    I am trying to install the MCC DAQ HAT library for my raspberry Pi 4, however, I even though it said installed successfully, I saw that it had a fatal fail during reading DAQ HAT EEPROMS. The error is:
    modprobe: FATAL: Module at24 not found in directory /lib/modules/5.15.0-1014-raspi Modprobe of at24 failed. Do an rpi-update.
    I have tried to do an rpi-update and it has already been up to date, but when I try to run the installation again, the same error still occur. I followed the exact procedure provide on the gitHub link. Please help me with this issue. Thanks.

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