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Everything posted by silantyeved

  1. Anyone got any ideas, anything else from my side that could help troubleshoot?
  2. I am following this guide: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/zybo-z7/demos/petalinux Petalinux Tools: 2021.1 BSP Image: Zybo-Z7-10-Petalinux-2021-1.bsp After installing petalinux tools in `/opt/pkg/petalinux/` and sourcing `settings.sh`, in the project directory I run: `petalinux-create -t project -s Zybo-Z7-10-Petalinux-2021-1.bsp` And that executes fine. After I cd into the directory created (`os`), I run `petalinux-build`, which returns errors (attached). build.log log.do_configure.1272382
  3. Got it! Again, thanks for your help and support @reddish! I did end up learning a lot in the process. Attaching verilog that got me here -- any feedback on it will be highly appreciated. uart_echo.zip
  4. That was it, @reddish! Tested with A-G and so far I can see the last 4 bits of each letter being displayed by LEDs as expected. I will test a bit more with the current design and then will do the same but pointing `led_reg` at the first 4 bits instead; or even better, switching between first and last 4 bits using a switch. After, I will get to the next portion of you initial suggestion and clean up the RX module interface and then start tying in TX part of the UART.
  5. Thanks for your guidance @reddish. My current state of affairs is as follows. I have switched focus to RX side of UART with goal of outputting first (or last?) 4 bits of an ASCII character via Arty's LEDs. While, I am observing some action on the LEDs, it is definitely not consistent with binary representations of characters I am sending to USB file descriptor via UNIX shell. Exact symptoms are as follows: When I do: echo "A" > /dev/ttyUSB1 I get the following output on the LEDs (PFA). In fact this output presents itself for any character I try to send. My prime suspect is timing. I am not certain that I have gotten the counter correct, because fiddling with it can lead to different outputs on LEDs, though by no means does it lead to expected output on LEDs. For inspiration I have used Verilog code from https://nandland.com/project-7-uart-part-1-receive-data-from-computer/. Here is the code that I am programming Arty with: `timescale 1ns / 1ps module top( input clock, input sw1, input sw2, output[0:3] led, output[0:3] led_g, input uart_rx, output uart_tx ); // UART BAUD // (100,000,000 (CLK) / 9600 (BAUD)) = 10417 parameter CLKS_PER_BIT = 10417; reg [31:0] reg_clks_cnt = 0; // RX localparam IDLE = 3'b000; localparam RX_START_BIT = 3'b001; localparam RX_DATA_BITS = 3'b010; localparam RX_STOP_BIT = 3'b011; localparam CLEANUP = 3'b101; reg [3:0] rx_state; reg [7:0] rx_byte; reg [2:0] rx_byte_idx; reg [7:0] led_reg; reg [3:0] debug_reg; always @(posedge clock) begin case(rx_state) IDLE: begin reg_clks_cnt <= 0; rx_byte_idx <= 0; if (uart_rx == 1'b0) // start bit begin rx_state <= RX_START_BIT; debug_reg <= 4'b1111; end else begin rx_state <= IDLE; end end RX_START_BIT: begin if (reg_clks_cnt == (CLKS_PER_BIT - 1) / 2) begin if (uart_rx == 1'b0) // check start bit still low at the middle of BAUD period begin reg_clks_cnt <= 0; rx_state <= RX_DATA_BITS; end else begin rx_state <= IDLE; end end else begin // still sampling for the middle of start bit reg_clks_cnt <= reg_clks_cnt + 1; rx_state <= RX_START_BIT; end end RX_DATA_BITS: begin if (reg_clks_cnt < CLKS_PER_BIT - 1) begin reg_clks_cnt <= reg_clks_cnt + 1; rx_state <= RX_DATA_BITS; end else begin reg_clks_cnt <= 0; rx_byte[rx_byte_idx] <= uart_rx; if (rx_byte_idx < 7) begin rx_byte_idx <= rx_byte_idx + 1; rx_state <= RX_DATA_BITS; end else begin rx_byte_idx <= 0; rx_state <= RX_STOP_BIT; end end end RX_STOP_BIT: begin if (reg_clks_cnt < CLKS_PER_BIT - 1) begin reg_clks_cnt <= reg_clks_cnt + 1; rx_state <= RX_STOP_BIT; end else begin reg_clks_cnt <= 0; rx_state <= CLEANUP; end end CLEANUP: begin rx_state <= IDLE; end default: begin rx_state <= IDLE; end endcase end always @ (posedge clock) begin if (sw1) begin led_reg <= debug_reg; end else begin led_reg <= rx_byte; end end assign led = led_reg; endmodule Any suggestions as to how I can debug this further?
  6. @reddish thanks a lot. I was able to get a continuous stream of "U"s out in minicom by using 10417 as a count param to switch LEDs (and then UART pin) on and off: I suppose that confirms that: 1. UART output pin on an FPGA is working as expected 2. Minicom is set up correctly I will appreciate any further guidance you may give me to get the echo working. Ed
  7. thanks again @zygot (I will take a look at the debugger tool post) and @reddish I am still very much stuck at the same place as I was before. I think I should step back and understand where the fault is actually coming from (is it OS, FPGA or even USB cable related).
  8. I want to know if anyone on this forum has ever managed to implement a UART echo application and managed to use tools available in a Unix OS to send and receive serial data (e.g. `minicom`, `echo`). My specific board is Arty a7 100T, but from what I understand the interface is universal (it is in the name) so other board owners input is welcome.
  9. Originally posted under a different category:
  10. I have set minicom (a unix serial comms utility) to wrap lines on the receiving end. So what I get echo'd back is half the characters that I transmit. As to your other suggestion, I will see what I can do with JTAG.
  11. Thank you @reddish and @zygot I have gotten started with this UART project: https://github.com/projf/projf-explore/tree/main/lib/uart which I can confirm does something on my Arty board. As to whether UART is actually working correctly, I do not know, but here is what I observe: I am sending data to the USB descriptor (on which arty board is connected) via: echo "AAAA" > /dev/ttyUSB3 In the other terminal I am running a `minicom` set up with 9600 baud rate with 8N1 configuration and get the following output (when the above echo command is ran): AA At this point I am not certain why I observe that half the input is being echoed back as my expectation was I would see all of it echoed back. I will continue playing with this project and may be I can figure this out :)
  12. I am looking to learn more about peripherals on my board and UART appears to be the best option to start experimenting. Can someone suggest how I could create an echo UART design? I would like to communicate to the board as so echo "1" > /dev/ttyUSB1 And would like to read it back, perhaps via screen /dev/ttyUSB1 9600 Ed
  13. Thank you @zygot and your assumption of my skill level is very precise and thanks for managing my expectations. For starters, I am not aiming as high as getting two FPGA boards to communicate with each other in an application setting. As mentioned before, my aim is more basic. To expand on an earlier example project I am after: an FPGA board receives a UDP packet with certain content in its body and flashes LEDs with certain light according to that content and/or writes something to UART. Currently, I am still not clear where I would start to build such a project from scratch. My understanding of Ethernet PHYs is not much clearer after a few days of attempts to understand how they work and what's more, I am not sure what's my responsibility to implement and what comes already out of the box. As far as testing / validation is concerned, I would like to set a realistic standard to work towards. I am no stranger to UDP and tools like Wireshark that can help troubleshoot UDP traffic. However, I have never worked with raw Ethernet. On that topic, what would be a minimal set up to validate that FPGA successfully clocked the sent Ethernet packet? How do I even send a raw ethernet packet?
  14. Thanks @zygot I have taken a look at your project and that info went way over my head. I ideally need much more hand holding here. I am surprised there are no resources providing this information. For the time being I am looking into the specs of TI Ehternet PHY that comes with Arty A7 and thinking of the simplest step I can take to get me off the ground. Any further suggestions welcome. Ed
  15. Hi, I have progressed to wiring FSMs on an Arty board and I would like to delve deeper into ethernet and get a first hand understanding of it. As a base project I am thinking of creating a circuit that would blink board LEDs if a packet with certain content is received. I also see that many existing tutorials use ready Ethernet IP cores, which is not what I'd like to do - I want to recreate ethernet from the ground up. How to go about it? Ed
  16. Update, following I was able to get a hello world to work from my Arty A7 100T!
  17. Just found this question: which does suggest that people are getting further but with older versions of Vivado. Is 2022 version known to be buggy?
  18. I have recently gotten myself an Arty A7 100T board from Digilent. While I was able to do the basic project connecting LEDs to switches, I was not able to get a single tutorial project featuring a Microblaze IP to work. I have followed the following projects to the letter: https://digilent.com/reference/learn/programmable-logic/tutorials/arty-getting-started-with-microblaze-servers/start https://projects.digilentinc.com/whitney-knitter/hello-microblaze-on-arty-a7-70d9e1 My set up is Vivado 2022.1 + Vitis on Ubuntu. I realise that both of the above use Arty A7 35T and not 100T, could that be a problem? Has anyone ever managed to get Microblaze to work on Arty A7? If so, how did you do it? Ed
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