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  1. OS is a fresh install of Windows 10. Computer is new: AMD 5950 running near 5Ghz, all SSD, 32Gb of memory. The FPGA board is NEXYS A7-100t (brand new) from digilent. I made sure to have the board files loaded and selected in the project, and the constraint file also. No other changes. Do you know which version of Vivado should I be using for this FPGA? I'll download that tonight.
  2. I have downloaded and am using Vivado 2022.1 on a new AMD 5950 computer. All loaded, everything works and I can communicate and program the board. Quick test shown below lights the led with the switch (it works just fine). However, I must be setting something up with Vivado itself incorrectly. For example, to only synthesize the following: module top_module (input switch, output led); assign led = switch; endmodule Takes almost 1 minute, and to implement is longer. This cannot be correct. I am worried about when I start to write actual, longer verilog it will become too slow to get any work done. (Quartus on the same computer takes only moments.) Before I panic, is Vivado really this slow?
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