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Posts posted by Ana

  1. Hi 

    Thanks for the detailed answers.

    Pt 1 and 2 are well taken. Can I use an AXI IIC IP core to realize this setup? I was thinking in the lines of having an AXI_IIC IP connected to my microblaze. The IIC port on the IP is connected to SCL and SDA in the constraint file. I chose the board interface as custom. I am not sure if I am constraining it correctly. Output port is IIC, so should constraints be....get_ports{ IIC_scl_t} etc or what I have below should be fine as the correct pin assignment is what matters. 

    set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN T26 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 PULLUP TRUE} [get_ports {IIC_0_SCL_IO}];#IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_14 Sch=ja_p[2]//SCL
    set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN T27 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 PULLUP TRUE} [get_ports {IIC_0_SDA_IO}];#IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_14 Sch=ja_n[2]//SDA

    Now after generating bitstream, in Vitis, I can  specify the IIC address - AXI IIC ( from xparameters.h file) and io_expander address ( my expander io address). Once that is established I can send and receive data on the data line and based on the AXI IIC IP register space I can check the TX_FIFO and RX_FIFO for sent and received data. 

    Will this method work or am I missing something?


    Attached is my block diagram with AXI_iic



  2. Thanks for your reply. I don't know why the Zynq based design showed up in my question. Sorry about that. 

    Few questions-

    1. The addon board has a pin configuration for SCLK, SDA, VCC and GND. These don't match with my connectors. Do I make a cable in between to accommodate that?
    2. The 12 pin PMOD connectors on my board go to various pins on the FPGA. They do not go to SCLK or SDA on the board. Can I just designate the pins as SDA/SCLK? 
    3. Currently I use the PMOD connectors just as GPIOs. I connected the various I/O signals in my block diagram to pins on JA, JB, JC, JD. That is not going to work now if I were to connect this I/O expander. I didn't invoke a PMOD IP to realize my design. Do I have to do so now? 
    4. I know I will need to write the i2c protocol/communication part in .VHD, but I am not sure how to access the various I/Os after that. 




  3. Hello

    I am new to the forum as well as to Digilent boards. I currently have a genesys2 dev kit. I am talking to it over ethernet and using the 4 PMOD GPIOs that come with it. I have to read in more inputs( outputs in future) and hence was wondering what is the best way to approach it. I came across the PMOD IOX add on. 1st question- would that work with my board? second, it looks like this addon board can talk to the digilent board via i2c. To use this add-on, on the vivado side, do I need to drop an AXI_iic IP  and go from there? Are there any sample/demo codes that I can use to get started? 








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