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  1. Hi JColvin Thank you, this helped lead me in the right direction! The dmesg that I received matched the output from the link that you shared. i.e., My arty board EEPROM is exactly what it needs to be, and the issue is on my machine setup. I was ultimately able to connect to JTAG, here is what I did: (With a bit of googling I found the following link: https://community.element14.com/technologies/fpga-group/f/forum/50505/install-vivado-vitis-and-petalinux-on-windows-sublayer-for-linux, thanks Jan! ) At least via Vivado and Xsct, I am able to start a hardware server and connect to jtag if I run the terminal as root. For example, this can be done with the following: <user>@<machine>:~$ sudo -i root@<machine>:~# source <vivado_tool_location>/settings64.sh root@<machine>:~# xsct ****** Xilinx Software Commandline Tool (XSCT) v2020.2 **** SW Build 3064766 on Wed Nov 18 09:12:47 MST 2020 ** Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. xsct% connect attempting to launch hw_server ****** Xilinx hw_server v2020.2 **** Build date : Nov 18 2020 at 09:50:49 ** Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. INFO: hw_server application started INFO: Use Ctrl-C to exit hw_server application INFO: To connect to this hw_server instance use url: TCP: tcfchan#0 xsct% targets 1 APU 2 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Running) 3 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running) 4 xc7z020 xsct% It's not ideal to have to connect as root, but at least I can connect to the device now. Thanks again!
  2. Issue Summary: My Arty Z7 board is not detected by Xilinx or Adept Jtag tools (OS is Ubuntu 20.04 via Win11 WSL2, Xilinx 2020.2 tools). UART communication via FTDI FT2232HQ chip appears to function as expected. Is it possible that the FTDI EEPROM needs to be reprogrammed to enable/fix JTAG support? If so, is there a process I can use that is approved by digilent for updating the FTDI EEPROM? Alternatively, maybe there is some other check/dependency that is needed on the PC-side which I've not already performed? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Observations: There are a number of debug steps which have been taken to try and determine if there is a issue on the PC-side of the interface, these have been summarized with pictures in the attached pdf. As a short summary: lsusb shows FTDI device djtgcfg and dadutil (w/ and w/o sudo) show "No devices found" After Xilinx xsct "connect" command and then "targets" command no hardware targets are listed After Vivado Hardware Manager connect and refresh, the message "No hardware targets exist on the server" is displayed in the Tcl Console The xilinx cable drivers appear as expected and were installed with the device detached from the PC. Arty-Z7_JTAG_not_connecting.pdf
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