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Julien S

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Posts posted by Julien S

  1. Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to write a simple piece of python code using github examples but i'm facing some issues while i try to stop an acquisition with ul.daq_in_scan() function.

    My goal is fairly simple (i guess): i want to scan the 8 analog channel at maximal rate (one point each 5µs) and stop the acquisition either by using a TTL signal, a HIGH to LOW hardware transition (using arduino for instance) or even after the completion of 500 measurements for each channel.

    Here the code i use (i volontary skip the displaying value part).

    from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
    from builtins import *  # @UnusedWildImport
    from ctypes import cast, POINTER, c_ushort
    import time
    from mcculw import ul
    from mcculw.enums import (ScanOptions, Status, FunctionType, ChannelType,
                              ULRange, DigitalPortType, TriggerSensitivity,
                              TriggerEvent, TriggerSource, InterfaceType)
    from mcculw.ul import ULError
    from mcculw.device_info import DaqDeviceInfo
        from ui_examples_util import UIExample, show_ul_error
    except ImportError:
        from .ui_examples_util import UIExample, show_ul_error
    def ADCScanFunction():
            use_device_detection = True
            board_num = 0
            chan_list = []
            chan_type_list = []
            gain_list = []
            num_chans = 8
                if use_device_detection:
                    devices = ul.get_daq_device_inventory(InterfaceType.ANY)
                    ul.create_daq_device(board_num, devices[0])
                device_info = DaqDeviceInfo(board_num)
                if device_info.supports_daq_input:
                    for i in range(0,8):
            rate = 200000
            points_per_channel = 500
            total_count = points_per_channel * (num_chans)
            scan_options = (ScanOptions.FOREGROUND | ScanOptions.EXTTRIGGER)
            # scan_options = (ScanOptions.BACKGROUND |
            #                 ScanOptions.CONTINUOUS | ScanOptions.EXTTRIGGER)
            # Allocate a buffer for the scan
            memhandle = ul.win_buf_alloc_32(total_count)
            #Set the start trigger settings
            ul.daq_set_trigger(board_num, TriggerSource.EXTTTL,
                              chan_list[-1], chan_type_list[-1],
                              gain_list[-1], 5, 0, TriggerEvent.START)
            ul.daq_set_trigger(board_num, TriggerSource.EXTTTL,
                              chan_list[-1], chan_type_list[-1],
                              gain_list[-1], 5, 0, TriggerEvent.STOP)
            c = chan_list[0:8]
            # Run the scan
            ul.daq_in_scan(board_num, chan_list[0:8], chan_type_list[0:8],
                            gain_list[0:8], num_chans, rate, 0, total_count,
                            memhandle, scan_options)

    When i use this, i have the following error:


        raise ULError(errcode)

    ULError: Error 1015: Invalid trigger event specified.

    I'm kind of lost and i'm affraid i don't understand how the TriggerEvent.STOP would work (and github examples are not very detailled in term of stopping an acquisition).

    if someone could guide me on how to stop an acquisition with my previous condition (TTL, 5V to 0V, or after 500 points) that would be great !

    Thank you to all those who will take the time to help me !

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