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Posts posted by Hyperspectral

  1. Hi everyone! I'm thinking about purchasing an Analog Discovery 2, and a large contributing factor to me doing that would be the seemingly great and elaborate support - both from Digilent itself and from the community - that exists for the AD2. I'd love to learn about the fundamentals of circuits using the AD2, and to that end the "Real Analog" course offered by Digilent would be perfect. It goes without saying that I got quite excited when I stumble upon this blog post from October of last year (2021) in which Digilent announced that the "Real Analog" course that was originally based around the Analog Discovery had been fully updated for the AD2. This supposedly included not only the lectures, but also the lab materials.

    However, the webpage that was linked in that blog post seems to point to the original "Real Analog" course for the first Analog Discovery, not for the AD2. There's no mention of the AD2 anywhere in that course, the lab manuals still have the old 2012 trademark and use the old Analog Discovery, the lab videos clearly feature the original Analog Discovery (not to mention the fact that they were all uploaded in 2013, before the AD2 came out) and the lecture videos are clearly the old lecture videos from way back when.

    So please do excuse my befuddlement (and disappointment) for a second, but what is that blog post referring to when it says that "[...] its safe to say I’m excited to announce that the full text, lecture videos, and labs of Real Analog has now been released for the Analog Discovery 2"  in relation to the "Real Analog" course? How am I to interpret the "for the Analog Discovery 2"-part here, because clearly, none of it seems to have been released for the Analog Discovery 2. I'm not sure whether that's just an honest mistake, a miscommunication, or deliberate false advertising, but either way it's got me confused.

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