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Everything posted by Anthocyanina

  1. I'm following the blink LED tutorial from here, for the Basys 3 board. I've selected the board when creating the project. https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/guides/getting-started-with-vivado At the Bitstream generation part, I'm getting this error: Searching for this on the forum led me to this other post, which has a critical warning similar to what I'm getting but it has no answers. Could anyone help with this? Thank you!
  2. debugging an ADC circuit, I'm using the logic analyzer to see the 8 bits of data, and to see if they resemble the analog waveform, I've set up the 8 channels as a bus, then capture the bus data and export it, then open it with libreoffice calc to convert to decimal and plot it. While this has worked, it's a tedious process, so I was wondering if there is a way to visualize the analog reconstruction within waveforms, or if anyone has written a script for this. Thank you!
  3. you can sync them by selecting the type of synchronization from the dropdown menu shown here, with trigger set as none, you can sync the waveforms by clicking stop all, then click it again to run all, and they now will run in sync.
  4. Hi! I've just installed the adept runtime and waveforms from the links provided by attila, when i launch waveforms, a window momentarily appears, then closes, has anyone been able to run waveforms on the pi zero w? Thank you
  5. hi @JColvin! thanks, I'll take a look and see if one of those might save me the trouble of designing a pcb for this purpose. Would be nice as well to hear from anyone's experience with the AD2's connector, has it broken for everyone after too many insertions of the boards/flywires? any datapoints on this are welcome! thank you!
  6. hi @zygot, yeah, thank you, since i got the impedance analyzer board that's been on my mind, to make the adapter i asked about, perhaps not with cables but with a small pcb, still would like to know if they did some testing and found a number of insertions or some other metric that indicates expected durability :)
  7. I've had my AD2 mostly with the 30 pin MTE flywire cable plugged in, but recently i got the impedance analyzer board, and have swapped betwen that and the flywires a few times. Getting the flywires plugged in all the way takes quite a bit of force, as does unplugging it, so I would like to know if this has been tested for numer of insertions or something that would give me an idea of how long this could last. I've been thinking about buying the other boards, like the curve tracer and audio ones, but not sure that's a good idea if swapping between them often would reduce the life of the connector and thus the life of the AD2 unit too fast. Is there a short extension cable for this that is male to female, perhaps 5cm or so to get the male pins needed for the boards and flywire so that gets worn down instead of the connector in the AD2? Thank you!
  8. Awesome, thanks! any plans to add Alt functionality in the future as well? or just shift and ctrl for the speed? thank you!
  9. Hi @attila Thank you. That's what my suggestion is, to add shift/alt/ctrl functionality to the entry fields on the right side, and in the entry fields of other instruments like the generator, to allow for quicker fine tweaking of the settings in those fields with a button and mouse scrolling. Seeing that it is implemented in the plots and axes, why isn't it implemented on the entry fields? Thanks again!
  10. Hi! @attila I just tried that and in the plot, it does seem to work like that! I didn't know that or had tried that on the plot, thank you! But on the right side panel where the ranges are, it doesn't seem to do anything differently when i press shift, ctrl or alt (alt does do something but that something is just move the rectangles to the sides a bit). Is this behaviour different on linux and windows? asking since I'm aware some things are different, like 3d spectrogram not being available on linux. I've made this short video showing what happens when i use those key combinations with scrolling on the plot and on the right side panel controls. Thank you!
  11. Hi @JColvin thank you, yes! my suggestion is just that, to add the shift and/or control fine adjustment functionality to the existing functionality of scrolling when the cursor is on top of those fields. Thanks again! 🙂
  12. Hi! I'm new to the Analog Discovery 2, and have been playing around in Waveforms a lot for the past couple weeks. I noticed the ranges on the oscilloscope, and voltage settings on the generators, and pretty much everywhere where there is a scale setting of sorts, they have the usual 1-2-5 increments, and also allow for a specific setting if you manually type it in the field. While this gives all the functionality one might need, for some reason, perhaps from being used to using blender shift+drag for fine controls, I keep pressing shift+scrolling on the field, expecting fine controls of the scale, but it behaving just as usual. Seeing how this shift+scroll combination doesn't seem to be used for anything within Waveforms, I was thinking it would be great if fine controls were added to Waveforms in what, at least to me, feels like such an intuitive way to do it, and it could work like it does on bench instruments which have the "push for fine" functionality, by increasing or decreasing the range by, i don't know, a fixed percentage of the current scale? like if you're in 500mv/ and press shift then scroll, it will change by 10% of 500mV, so 50mV, until you reach the next step in the 1-2-5 sequence, then it will be either 100mV at 1V/ range or 20mV at 200mV/ range. Or it could be a fixed value across all ranges, let's say 10mV per shift+scroll step. Or! shift+scroll does the percentage based change and ctrl+scroll does the fixed fine change. However this is implemented, if at all, from my experience with bench instruments, I think it would feel like such a good addition to the overall experience of using Waveforms, particularly when you need to quickly setup the environment for your measurements and then to be able to quickly tweak it if you got it wrong at first. Also curious if this has been considered before, and if so, why has it not been implemented? or is it being considered for implementation already? Thank you! 🙂
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