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  1. Hi! I'm using an Analog Discovery 2 with an up-to-date version of Waveforms: WaveForms 3.18.1 64-bit Qt5.12.9 Windows 10 (10.0) Connected to Discovery2 SN:210321AA2845 configuration 1 Qt version: 5.12.9 / 5.12.9 I was trying to setup a signal using the pattern generator and ran into an issue with the ROM logic setup. I can only add the DIO 0-9 as inputs, while I have all DIO 0-15 available as outputs. As you can see in the picture I have an empty pattern generator, so nothing is defined yet: For the outputs it works fine: Everything else works well so there seems to be no connectivity issue between the AD2 and the PC. Thanks in advance for any help!
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