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  1. entity xadc_test is Port ( clk100 : in STD_LOGIC; led : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); JXADC : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0)); end xadc_test; architecture Behavioral of xadc_test is signal reading : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal muxaddr : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal channel : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal vauxn : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal vauxp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin led <= reading; ----------------------------------- -- Pass through the analogue inputs ----------------------------------- vauxp(6) <= jxadc(0); vauxn(6) <= jxadc(4); vauxp(14) <= jxadc(1); vauxn(14) <= jxadc(5); vauxp(7) <= jxadc(2); vauxn(7) <= jxadc(6); vauxp(15) <= jxadc(3); vauxn(15) <= jxadc(7); XADC_inst : XADC generic map ( -- INIT_40 - INIT_42: XADC configuration registers INIT_40 => X"9000", -- averaging of 16 selected for external channels INIT_41 => X"2ef0", -- Continuous Seq Mode, Disable unused ALMs, Enable calibration INIT_42 => X"0800", -- ACLK = DCLK/8 = 100MHz / 8 = 12.5 MHz -- INIT_48 - INIT_4F: Sequence Registers INIT_48 => X"4701", -- CHSEL1 - enable Temp VCCINT, VCCAUX, VCCBRAM, and calibration INIT_49 => X"000CC", -- CHSEL2 - enable aux analog channels 6,7,14,15 INIT_4A => X"0000", -- SEQAVG1 disabled all channels INIT_4B => X"0000", -- SEQAVG2 disabled all channels INIT_4C => X"0000", -- SEQINMODE0 - all channels unipolar INIT_4D => X"00CC", -- SEQINMODE1 - all channels unipolar INIT_4E => X"0000", -- SEQACQ0 - No extra settling time all channels INIT_4F => X"0000", -- SEQACQ1 - No extra settling time all channels -- INIT_50 - INIT_58, INIT5C: Alarm Limit Registers INIT_50 => X"b5ed", -- Temp upper alarm trigger 85°C INIT_51 => X"5999", -- Vccint upper alarm limit 1.05V INIT_52 => X"A147", -- Vccaux upper alarm limit 1.89V INIT_53 => X"dddd", -- OT upper alarm limit 125°C - see Thermal Management INIT_54 => X"a93a", -- Temp lower alarm reset 60°C INIT_55 => X"5111", -- Vccint lower alarm limit 0.95V INIT_56 => X"91Eb", -- Vccaux lower alarm limit 1.71V INIT_57 => X"ae4e", -- OT lower alarm reset 70°C - see Thermal Management INIT_58 => X"5999", -- VCCBRAM upper alarm limit 1.05V INIT_5C => X"5111", -- VCCBRAM lower alarm limit 0.95V -- Simulation attributes: Set for proper simulation behavior SIM_DEVICE => "7SERIES", -- Select target device (values) SIM_MONITOR_FILE => "design.txt" -- Analog simulation data file name ) port map ( -- ALARMS: 8-bit (each) output: ALM, OT ALM => open, -- 8-bit output: Output alarm for temp, Vccint, Vccaux and Vccbram OT => open, -- 1-bit output: Over-Temperature alarm -- STATUS: 1-bit (each) output: XADC status ports BUSY => open, -- 1-bit output: ADC busy output CHANNEL => channel, -- 5-bit output: Channel selection outputs EOC => open, -- 1-bit output: End of Conversion EOS => open, -- 1-bit output: End of Sequence JTAGBUSY => open, -- 1-bit output: JTAG DRP transaction in progress output JTAGLOCKED => open, -- 1-bit output: JTAG requested DRP port lock JTAGMODIFIED => open, -- 1-bit output: JTAG Write to the DRP has occurred MUXADDR => muxaddr, -- 5-bit output: External MUX channel decode -- Auxiliary Analog-Input Pairs: 16-bit (each) input: VAUXP[15:0], VAUXN[15:0] VAUXN => vauxn, -- 16-bit input: N-side auxiliary analog input VAUXP => vauxp, -- 16-bit input: P-side auxiliary analog input -- CONTROL and CLOCK: 1-bit (each) input: Reset, conversion start and clock inputs CONVST => '0', -- 1-bit input: Convert start input CONVSTCLK => '0', -- 1-bit input: Convert start input RESET => '0', -- 1-bit input: Active-high reset -- Dedicated Analog Input Pair: 1-bit (each) input: VP/VN VN => '0', -- 1-bit input: N-side analog input VP => '0', -- 1-bit input: P-side analog input -- Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP) -- hard set to read channel 6 (XADC4/XADC0) DO => reading, DRDY => open, DADDR => "0010110", -- The address for reading AUX channel 6 DCLK => clk100, DEN => '1', DI => (others => '0'), DWE => '0' ); end Behavioral;
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