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Posts posted by DaveBerg

  1. I have created a boot image (BOOT.BIN) and have a setup that successfully programs the QSPI flash (with JTAG jumper in place).  I then remove power to the board and place the jumper to QSPI and replace power to the board and there is no observable indication that anything is booting up.  I have a known working PL hardware design and known working PS hello world codebase.

    I have followed multiple tutorials for this setup and all of them have been unsuccessful for me thus far with my current Arty-Z7-20 board setup.

    I am using Vivado 2021.2 and Vitis 2021.2 for my setup.

    I am open to any suggestions on what I can do next to troubleshoot this issue further.  Thank you in advance.

  2. I am trying to setup a simple test application that communicates between an external PC and the USB Host port of the Arty-Z7-20.  I am able to run the example applications using the PROG UART (J12) on this same board, but for reasons unknown I seem to be unable to have my PC recognize there is an external device attached to J14.  Are there any examples or help someone can provide for such a basic test case?  To the best of my knowledge I have setup and configured the Arty board to support both UART0 and UART1, so I presume this should not be an issue in my case.

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