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DAQman got a reaction from ASC_ALD in Error 42 with PCI-DAS6025 and CIO-SERB-24/FD
Could you try our example? Open the Generate Values LLB library in \National Instruments\LabVIEW 2022\Examples\ULx\Digital\. The example's front panel has eight buttons, so select the eight lines of FirstPortA.
DAQman got a reaction from amilashanaka in PMOD AD1 FPGA bitstream genatation issues
I suspect you forgot to constrain the pins used by the PmodAD1_01. Go to Sources, select Constraints, and add a constraints file. Open the file and copy the constraints below. Please pay close attention to the ja_pin#_io numbers, as they are not in order.
## Pmod Header JA
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN Y18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja_pin1_io }]; #IO_L17P_T2_34 Sch=ja_p[1]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN Y19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja_pin2_io }]; #IO_L17N_T2_34 Sch=ja_n[1]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN Y16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja_pin3_io }]; #IO_L7P_T1_34 Sch=ja_p[2]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN Y17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja_pin4_io }]; #IO_L7N_T1_34 Sch=ja_n[2]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja_pin7_io }]; #IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_34 Sch=ja_p[3]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja_pin8_io }]; #IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_34 Sch=ja_n[3]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja_pin9_io }]; #IO_L22P_T3_34 Sch=ja_p[4]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja_pin10_io }]; #IO_L22N_T3_34 Sch=ja_n[4]
DAQman got a reaction from mitchellc30 in Dasylab 13 to 2022 upgrade DAQ communication Issue
Restart DASYLab with administrator privileges. Go to c:\Program Files (x86)\DASYLab 2022.1_en\ and get the properties for DASYLab.exe. Select the Compatibility tab and enable Run this program as an administrator.
DAQman got a reaction from Seongchul Jun in Dasylab compatibility on Windows 11
Please watch the following video about installing DASYLab and the Measurement Computing support. It will show how to install the Measurement Computing driver and access the input and output modules. When the driver installation gets to the destination folder panel, edit the path (press Change) so that it is \Program Files (x86)\DASYLab 2022.1_en\. Otherwise, you will get a path not found error.
DAQman got a reaction from Saha in Issue with Raspberry MCC 128 (ADC) and optical detector ground
The manual says to connect a 50-ohm resistor to the ground on the detector output. The output is current, and the resistor generates the output voltage. Connect the MCC 128 input across the resistor. I recommend placing the inputs in differential mode for the measurement. If the signal is too low with the 50 ohm resistor, use a 1000-ohm load resistor.
DAQman got a reaction from LordValdrick in Unity - Win 11 - USB-1208FS - C# connection for trigger
Below is my get-board number function. It takes a device name string, such as '1208FS', to search for the device. Once it finds a device name that contains '1208FS', it determines if 'Plus' is in the name and, if so, sets the global variable PACKETSIZE to 32. Otherwise, it's 31. It is crucial to size the buffer as a multiple of PACKETSIZE times channel count. I have also attached my test program below that uses this function.
public static int GetBoardNum(string dev)
MccDaq.DaqDeviceDescriptor[] inventory = MccDaq.DaqDeviceManager.GetDaqDeviceInventory(MccDaq.DaqDeviceInterface.Any);
int DevicesFound = inventory.Length;
if (DevicesFound > 0)
for (int boardNum = 0; boardNum < DevicesFound; boardNum++)
if (inventory[boardNum].ProductName.Contains(dev))
MccDaq.MccBoard daqBoard = MccDaq.DaqDeviceManager.CreateDaqDevice(boardNum, inventory[boardNum]);
if (daqBoard.BoardName.Contains("Plus"))
return boardNum;
catch (ULException ule)
Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ule.Message);
return -1;
DAQman got a reaction from Sodanamm in Unrecognized property 'Sensitivity' for class 'daq.dt.AnalogInputIEPEChannel'.
The DAQ Adaptor for MATLAB does not have a channel Sensitivity function, hence the error message. Instead, you could do your own scaling with some simple math. Let's say you have an array of voltage measurements. Divide the values in the array by 0.00922 to get g's.
DAQman got a reaction from Martin Wollatz in mmap failed 0xffffffffffffffff
Use the beta version, which is at https://github.com/mccdaq/daqhats/tree/pi5
Follow the instructions below to install.
1. $ cd daqhats
2. $ sudo ./uninstall.sh
3. $ git pull
4. $ git checkout pi5
5. $ sudo ./install.sh
6. $ pip install daqhats (manually add Python support)
You can switch back to the released library by uninstalling the library, running “git checkout master”, and then installing the library.
Use the installed MCC DAQ HAT Manager utility application to verify communication with the MCC 118/MCC 128 or use terminal commands.
$ sudo daqhats_read_eeproms
$ daqhats_list_boards
DAQman got a reaction from Ron Byron in What value to use for MccService.DeclareRevision
The original intent for DeclareRevision was so that we could make changes or fix bugs and not have to worry that we broke your program. However, we stopped managing it quite some time ago because no matter what you set it to, it returns 5.5, and GetRevision returns 5. One indication that this is true is the GetRevision function. It has a parameter for a VXD library, which was old Visual Basic 6 technology. I think you should use MccService.DeclareRevision(out revNum) where revNum = 6.73. It may not do anything, but later when someone reads your code, they'll know you had InstaCal 6.73.
Best regards,
DAQman got a reaction from Ron Byron in USB-1608GX VB Analog Input Integration
Your source of information is the Universal Library Help: https://www.mccdaq.com/pdfs/manuals/Mcculw_WebHelp/ULStart.htm. You can look up the functions to see what they do. To get to the USB-1608G page, use the Search feature and look up "USB-1608G".
To get started, review the following program. https://kb.mccdaq.com/KnowledgebaseArticle50847.aspx This program reads the first four channels continuously. To stop it, press any key.
I've attached its Visual Studio project to this post. The project uses a the mccdaq.dll. It was added to the project as Reference Extension. If you create a new project, right mouse click the project shown in the Solution Explorer and select Add->References, select Extensions and add MccDaq.
Best regards,
DAQman got a reaction from Ron Byron in USB-1608GX VB Analog Input Integration
The AInScan function creates an acquisition that consists of a group of channels, a buffer, the buffer size, and options that dictate how it is to run. Only one can be running at a given time. However, your code uses a for-loop to run multiple continuous acquisitions, which is illegal. You should have gotten an error calling the second AInScan. Change the options parameter from:
Dim Opts As MccDaq.ScanOptions = Continuous + Background + ScaleData
Dim Opts As MccDaq.ScanOptions = ScaleData
This will make your for-loop wait for the AInScan function to finish. When it has, the function will return control to the for-loop and the data can be transferred and displayed.
DAQman got a reaction from zia in 1608FS Plus Chanel gain queue
First, you must have a signal connected to the channel. If you leave them unconnected, they will float to a strange value like 1.4 volts. If you are getting started and your sensors have yet to be connected, wire the inputs to analog ground. If you do, they should read close to zero.
Both DAQami and TracerDAQ Pro have a voltage range setting. In the DAQami configuration, select Channels, then click one of the Analog Input channels so that it appears selected. Next to it will be a voltage range and a unit selection. In TracerDAQ Pro, choose DAQ Hardware Settings from the Edit menu. Use the DAQ Range/Mode column to change the voltage range.
DAQman got a reaction from David T. in DASYlab Modbus and Advantech Adam Modules
You could contact Advantech regarding how their utility program works. They should be able to tell you the register/value that must be written to reset the latch. It might be that the inputs are mirrored on the output side (coils), and writing 0 to the corresponding output resets the latch.
DAQman got a reaction from inbar in best way to write with python into USB-3105
Have a look at v_out.py and ULAO01.py. These two examples will work with your device. Outputs can be set with either the v_out or the a_out function. The v_out function takes floats for data and a_out an integer.
data_value = 3.0
channel = 0
ul.v_out(board_num, channel, ULRange.UNI10VOLTS, data_value, 0)
You could use a_out_scan, but the rate cannot exceed 100 divided by the number of scanned channels. Underneath, it uses a_out to update the channels. However, it has a SIMULTANEOUS scan option that can be used to update all the channels simultaneously.
DAQman got a reaction from myletin in newest and recommended software to belt furnace profiles for semiconductor.
DAQami is newer than TracerDAQ Pro, but they both have their place. TracerDAQ supports most MCC devices, including PCI boards, while DAQami primarily supports USB devices, but not all of them. DAQami has support for Analog & Digital Input/Output. TracerDAQ Pro has no Analog or Digital output - only input. However, TracerDAQ Pro has more triggering options and you can schedule when to acquire data.
DAQman got a reaction from Gaston_12 in Cascade Two MCC E-1608
It is impossible to connect both to appear as a device with twice the number of channels. However, you can use both in the same program, which means there will be two buffers to manage. The data buffers can be synchronized if you use the clock from one device to clock the other device. Configure both using the AInScan function. Information about this function is in the UL Help document. Configure the first device to scan the channels, and when it begins, the scan clock will appear on AICLKO. Configure the second device to use the external clock scan option. It will wait until the clock appears before it begins. You'll need to configure the second device first; otherwise, the clock could run before it is ready. Using a short wire, connect AICLKO on the first device to AICLKI on the second.
DAQman got a reaction from Wolfgang_Raspi in MCC172 simultaneous data read and output
The driver is continuously filling an internal buffer from which you request data. Each time you read data, you make room for more. An overrun condition means the buffer is full, and there is no space for new data. To duplicate your condition, I modified the continuous.py example so that every time it read data, it would sleep for 0.5 seconds, and I didn't get an overrun error. If I increased the delay, I did get the error. This tells me you have at least a half second to write data out, which is a lot. So, I suspect your streamwriting is taking too long. The MCC 172 default buffer should be large enough to hold one second of data. You could make the buffer large enough to hold two seconds of data by setting samples_per_channel = 2 * scan_rate.
DAQman got a reaction from GGu2024 in Can MCC 134 be used with Raspberry Pi Pico using Arduino IDE?
The electrical specification lists the GPIO assignments in the Interface section.
We don't provide support for this, but you could review mcc134.c and mcc134_adc.c in the driver library to get an idea of how to read the board.
For a different approach, a board based on the MAX31855 IC may be easier to adapt to a pico. Check out the following:
DAQman got a reaction from ffggt in Can DT302-PBF(6069-410-066) be supported by Win10/64 bit systems?
The DT302-PBF is supported on Windows 10 64-bit. To get the QuickDAQ application, download the Omni CD and install the required software.
DAQman got a reaction from Kwan Odqa in Which Raspberry Pi for MCC DAQ HAT products?
Support for Raspbian Bookworm and the Pi 5 is still in testing, and no release date has been given.
DAQman got a reaction from Kwan Odqa in Which Raspberry Pi for MCC DAQ HAT products?
The MCC DAQ HAT boards do not come with a ready-to-use software program. Instead, examples are provided for C and Python coding. Therefore, I would recommend some programming experience and familiarity with the Linux operating system. If you're comfortable with C, our MCC-118 data logger example displays a couple of channels graphically and saves the data to a file.
DAQman got a reaction from ATHC in Run miniLAB 1008 app without installing icalsetup.exe
We have an example that demonstrates using the device without having to run InstaCal. It is DaqDevDiscovery01, in the following folder: \Public\Documents\Measurement Computing\DAQ\C\Sample32\. If you lack examples, reinstall InstaCal from our CD download.
You will still need to install InstaCal because that is how our drivers and DLLs are installed.
DAQman got a reaction from jangjae in Need help designing a LabVIEW block diagram for specific data acquisition and storage
Here is a LabVIEW vi (attached below) that maintains a one minute buffer (6,000 scan at 100 Hz) that is constantly being updated with new data. It always has the most recent data. A loop counter counts to 6000 x 6 to enable the file write operation. Therefore, every six minutes, one minute of data is written to the text file. After one hour, the file holds 60,000 rows of data.
DAQman got a reaction from ATHC in Where can I find MccMinilab.dll and API code examples for miniLAB 1008?
MccMinilab.dll is not an MCC library file. It's likely from another company that built a software product around miniLab-1008.
DAQman got a reaction from Zachary in USB-1608G digital output current capability
This is the closest one I could find: https://www.phoenixcontact.com/en-us/products/solid-state-relay-module-emg-17-ov-ttl-24dc2-2943259?type=pdf
As shown below, you could also use a MOSFET transistor to control a solid-state relay.