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Posts posted by ebrown

  1. Thanks for the update.

    I have downloaded and installed the update.

    I am running under administrator mode in the command line.

    However when I run it I get thread errors before the print statements execute.

    It seems to be related to when instruments are included in the workspace.

    If I open a blank workspace from the command line I don't get thread errors

    D:\WaveForms3>start /wait WaveForms.exe test.dwf3work -script test.js
    QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
    (Parent is CSettings(0xa93ecfa9b0), parent's thread is QThread(0x1cc72a897c0), current thread is QThread(0x1cc75f5f5d0)
    QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::Sig() to CWavegenConfigNode::DoSig()
    QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::Sig() to CWavegenConfigNode::DoSig()
    QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::Sig() to CWavegenConfigNode::DoSig()
    QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::Sig() to CWavegenConfigNode::DoSig()

  2. I have been trying to benchmark the performance of my AD2 for audio based testing.

    I have an AD2 using the BNC adapter board and looping back through BNC cables.

    I get some truly rubbish results from Waveforms and can't figure out what's wrong.

    1kHz signal from the waveform generator back into the spectrum anaylser. See attached screenshot for measurements results.

    Waveforms build 3.18.20


    Can you offer any help what is wrong?

    I have also been benchmarking the AD2 against an Audio precision APx525 and the AWG offers some good performance regarding THD so it would appear to be the AD2 scope input or the Waveforms software at fault.

    APx525 measurement of the AD2 AWG,


    Signal 1kHz (20Hz-20kHz Bandwidth)

    Ch1        0.0105%

    Ch2        0.0165%

    The SNR of the AWG is a limitation with only ~70dB but this is still far better than the results in my attached image.

    AD2 Loopback.png

  3. Thankyou for such a fast response and additional feature addition.

    However, can you explain the usage as I couldn't get it to work.

    If I call this from the command line "waveforms example.dwf3work -script example.js" 

    The command line executes and opens the waveforms but it almost instantly returns to a new command line. i.e. it does not keep the previous command line open so it won't be able to receive any stdout output presumably

    If I force it to stay open using "start /wait waveforms example.dwf3work -script example.js" I still don't see any output

    Finally if I pipe the output to a file I still don't see anything in the output file "waveforms example.dwf3work -script example.js > output.txt"


    I have closed the output window in Waveforms and my script runs the following commands,


  4. I am trying to automate testing using scripting.

    I want to use the network and spectrum analysers which is why I am not using the SDK option.



    If I am executing script from the command line, for example,

    "waveforms example.dwf3work -script example.js" 

    Is there any way of piping the output console in waveforms to the command line so i can externally access status information.

    The only way in the documentation seems to be through saving of information to files.

    A simple example is knowing when the script is complete by printing to the command line "COMPLETE"

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