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Perry The Cynic

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Posts posted by Perry The Cynic

  1. Hello all, and thank you for your welcome.

    I am a systems designer, analyst, and all-around computer security guy who's managed so far to stay above the hardware line of engagement - my idea of "hardware" is assembler language and plugging boards and modules together. I finally got bit by the Raspberry bug, and having learned how to solder and breadboard, I find myself in need of hardware to tell me why my haphazardly thrown-together creations aren't working (right).

    So I'm somewhat accomplished in general, but quite the novice in electronics. (I know my physics, but not my EE stuff, and I've soldered my first real circuit two weeks ago.) AD2 looked like an all-around useful introduction to the area, so I just got one (along with BNC probes). Now I'm swimming in new terminology and "why isn't this working" surprises and generally having a grand time. :-)

    I plan to eventually post a summary of what confused me about setting up and learning AD2 - no point wasting my innocence. Meanwhile I'll ask some foolish questions, hoping you all won't roll your eyes too much...


      -- perry

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