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Status Updates posted by ar38150

  1. Hi JColvin!

    I'm currently working on an autonomous robot which uses 4 DC Geared motors with encoders and 2 MyRIO Motor Adaptors, whith either one being connected to MXP A and MXP B of the myRIO. However, I've came to notice an issue with the motor adaptor boards, they do support two DC motors but only provide one encoder reading.

    Therefore, I decided to use C/ENC0 and C/ENC1  from the MSP connection of the MyRIO in order to have additional encoder signals. I get C/ENC1 to work with port B and the two seperate motors get two seperate encoder readings etc. However my problem is with C/ENC0. Motor 4 is getting an encoder reading however it's not changing the polarity of the count when the motor changes direction. It only changes polarity when motor 1 changes direction. 

    I've tried switching the encoder signals around ( C/ENC0 to MXP B and C/ENC1 to MXP A) and when C/ENC1 is connected with MXP A motor 4 works perfectly! But when C/ENC0 is connected MXP B the same behaviour as seen on MXP A is shown in Motor 3 (count direction).

    I've attached my VI which shows each connection made and I've also attached images of the connections, showing the C/ENC encoders. I would appreictae any help, I'm hoping this is just a small error I've made!

    MXP A - Motor 1(A/ENC)+ Motor 4 (

    MXP B - Motor 2 + Motor 3


    Best wishes.






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