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  1. Thanks . I want to acquire a signal and mesure the autocorrelation using an ´efficient computation ‘ as shown here : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autocorrelation So I need to acquire some samples, store them in memory and calculate the autocorrelation. I want to repeat this multiple time , knowing that I do not mind losing some data. As said, I am very new to fpga Hope it clarifies.
  2. @ zygot : yes I understand .... I have been working and have something that is now working (albeit not doing what I want :-) ). Here is my new top module My new xdc file And my new .c file #include <stdio.h> #include "platform.h" #include "xil_printf.h" #include "xparameters.h" // add #include "xiomodule.h" // add volatile char int_flag = 0; // millisecond counter variable //function which is called by the GPI interrupt when one of its bits goes hi void MyInterruptFlagSet( void* ref) { int_flag = 1; // when it receives interrupt, set c } int main() { init_platform(); u32 data; u16 my_secs = 0; XIOModule gpi; //print("Setting up GPI\n\r"); data = XIOModule_Initialize(&gpi, XPAR_IOMODULE_0_DEVICE_ID); data = XIOModule_Start(&gpi); //setting up interrupt handlers and enables them microblaze_register_handler(XIOModule_DeviceInterruptHandler, XPAR_IOMODULE_0_DEVICE_ID); // register the interrupt handler // Makes the connection between the Id of the interrupt source and the associated handler that is to run when the interrupt is recognized. XIOModule_Connect(&gpi, XIN_IOMODULE_GPI_1_INTERRUPT_INTR, MyInterruptFlagSet, NULL); // register timerTick() as our interrupt handler XIOModule_Enable(&gpi, XIN_IOMODULE_GPI_1_INTERRUPT_INTR); // enable the interrupt microblaze_enable_interrupts(); // enable global interrupts while (1) { while(int_flag == 0 ) //wait till interrupt flag goes high ; data = XIOModule_DiscreteRead(&gpi, 2); // read counts (channel 2) xil_printf("%d: %d\n\r",my_secs, data); my_secs++; int_flag = 0; //clear flag } cleanup_platform(); return 0; } This allows me to read the number of words : data_count in the FIFO when I push a button on the card and this works. Now, I am wondering how to the read the actual counts: that is reading all the 1024 words (1 bit) at once. I guess I have to play with the .c file and make some changes in the FIFO and microblaze but I am *again* stuck.
  3. Hi there, I am quite new to FPGA and would like first to apologize if my question is *stupid* :-) I have read already quite a lot and I am kind of stuck. Any help appreciated ? Hardware Card: Nexys Video Vivado 2016.4 What I would like to do I have an external TTL signal (3.3 V, 1 kHz) connected to the Pmod A, ja[0] pin (and the ground to GNB) . As a test, I would like to read this signal, fill a FIFO and then read the FIFO buffer when the buffer is full. I do not mind to lose data; I just want to see (on the computer) some raw data once in a while. ISSUES From the SDK terminal, I receive weird data like "²’ÒŠRj$ª²šÒŠRj$ª²¢". My top module `timescale 1ns / 1ps module oscillo(clk, uart_rx_out, TTL_in,sw); input clk; input sw; input [0:0] TTL_in; // These are input data output uart_rx_out; reg [0:0] TTL_in_reg; always @(posedge clk) TTL_in_reg <= TTL_in; wire [0:0] q_fifo; // These are output data fifo_generator_0 myFifo ( .clk(clk), // input wire clk .din(TTL_in_reg), // input wire [0 : 0] din .wr_en(wrreq), // input wire wr_en .rd_en(rdempty), // input wire rd_en .dout(q_fifo), // output wire [0 : 0] dout .full(wrfull), // output wire full .empty(wrempty) // output wire empty ); // The flash ADC side starts filling the fifo only when it is completely empty, // and stops when it is full, and then waits until it is completely empty again reg fillfifo; always @(posedge clk) if(~fillfifo) fillfifo <= wrempty; // start when empty else fillfifo <= ~wrfull; // stop when full assign wrreq = fillfifo; assign rdempty = ~ fillfifo; microblaze_mcs_0 myMCS ( .Clk(clk), // input wire Clk .Reset(sw), // input wire Reset .GPI1_Interrupt(GPI1_Interrupt), // output wire GPI1_Interrupt .INTC_IRQ(INTC_IRQ), // output wire INTC_IRQ .UART_txd(uart_rx_out), // output wire UART_txd .GPIO1_tri_i(fillfifo), // input wire [0 : 0] GPIO1_tri_i .GPIO2_tri_i(q_fifo) // input wire [0 : 0] GPIO2_tri_i ); endmodule My xdc file ## FPGA Configuration I/O Options set_property CONFIG_VOLTAGE 3.3 [current_design] set_property CFGBVS VCCO [current_design] set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN AB22 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { TTL_in }] ## Board Clock: 100 MHz set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R4 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { clk }]; create_clock -add -name clk_100m -period 10.00 [get_ports clk] ## Reset Switch set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN E22 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS12} [get_ports {sw}]; set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN AA19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { uart_rx_out }] My helloword.c for the sdk #include <stdio.h> #include "platform.h" #include "xil_printf.h" #include "xparameters.h" // add #include "xiomodule.h" // add volatile char int_flag = 0; // millisecond counter variable //function which is called by the GPI interrupt when one of its bits goes hi void MyInterruptFlagSet( void* ref) { int_flag = 1; // when it receives interrupt, set c } int main() { init_platform(); u32 data; u16 my_secs = 0; XIOModule gpi; //print("Setting up GPI\n\r"); data = XIOModule_Initialize(&gpi, XPAR_IOMODULE_0_DEVICE_ID); data = XIOModule_Start(&gpi); //setting up interrupt handlers and enables them microblaze_register_handler(XIOModule_DeviceInterruptHandler, XPAR_IOMODULE_0_DEVICE_ID); // register the interrupt handler // Makes the connection between the Id of the interrupt source and the associated handler that is to run when the interrupt is recognized. XIOModule_Connect(&gpi, XIN_IOMODULE_GPI_1_INTERRUPT_INTR, MyInterruptFlagSet, NULL); // register timerTick() as our interrupt handler XIOModule_Enable(&gpi, XIN_IOMODULE_GPI_1_INTERRUPT_INTR); // enable the interrupt microblaze_enable_interrupts(); // enable global interrupts while (1) { while(int_flag == 0 ) //wait till interrupt flag goes high ; data = XIOModule_DiscreteRead(&gpi, 2); // read counts (channel 2) xil_printf("%d: %d\n\r",my_secs, data); my_secs++; int_flag = 0; //clear flag } cleanup_platform(); return 0; }
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