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Posts posted by Martin2000

  1. Dear JColvin,

    thank you very much for the answer. The bus reported device description is indeed "Digilent USB Device" on both serial converters. The Adept system was unable to detect anything unfortunately. The board does boot up correctly (the demo design is loaded and the leds are flashing and so on), if the jumper is set to QSPI. Everything seems ok, but it somehow doesn't want to detect the board. Could be a driver conflict or the FTDI not being programmed correctly.

    Best regards,


  2. Dear JColvin,

    Thank you very much for the hints.

    I tried several different Micro-USB cables on different ports (front usb, backside usb and usb hub). I tried a different PC with Windows 7 as well. I also reinstalled the drivers. The board is powered on and I tried all jumper positions (shouldn't matter since the manual says that JTAG programming is always possible and the jumper only prevents startup from flash etc.). The USB Serial Converter A and B are listed in the device manager, but Vivado can't see the cable at all. Neither can Impact or the chipscope analyzer.

    Best regards,


  3. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I have a Basys-3 board that I would like to program and debug using the Vivado HW Manager. Unfortunately, Vivado does not recognize the Board at all. I tried several different versions of Vivado and they all cannot recognize the board. I also tried Impact, which cannot connect to the cable. Since I received the board from a former colleague I am not sure if he did something with the FTDI on the board or if it is still programmed correctly. It may also be some windows driver problem (I am using Windows 10 64 Bit). Please help me with this issue. Thank you very much in advance.


    Best regards,


  4. Hello,


    unfortunately I am also guilty of deleting the FTDI chip of the JTAG-HS3 :/. That's what happens when you have several FTDI based dongles connected at once.

    Can you please provide me with a programming file so I can revive the programmer. Thank you very much!


    Best regards,


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