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  1. Hello, I'm studying FPGA using verilog in vivado. I learned information that using mcs makes it easier to program devices. So, I tried very hard, but I've been failing for more than four days. I think I know how the process goes. My board is this : https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/zybo/start It seems to me that the problem with my current situation is that I don't know the exact Start Address of ZYBO. And the flash name is also not sure. https://support.xilinx.com/s/article/50991?language=en_US If you check on the above site, it is confirmed that S25FL128S / Quad Mode - Single / Quad Mode - Dual Stacked and Dual Parallel. If this is information that doesn't suit me, please tell me. Thanks for your help.
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