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  1. This is great. Just to report and confirm the comment in the example: if the start index of the update isn't multiple of 64bits, it takes 1000x longer to complete the data upload.
  2. This is great! Now is a desired feature request. Is it possible to update only part of the playdata between runs?
  3. trigsrcPC works perfectly. How do you set up in python to trigger the play mode on rising edges of DIO27 (for example)?
  4. The problem was that the data have to be in blocks of 64 bits. Is it possible to repeat playing the same data or to re-arm the play mode without resetting the device via FDwfDigitalOutReset()?
  5. Thanks. That works. I'd never have figured this out by myself.
  6. For 1-bit output, I modified the DigitalDiscovery_Play.py only one line to dwf.FDwfDigitalOutPlayDataSet(hdwf, byref(rgwPlay), c_int(1), c_int(int(nPlay))) and it generated something unexpected. Should the type of rgwPlay get changed as well? Do you have an example of single channel output? Thanks..
  7. I have two follow-up questions. First, the MAC version SDK doesn't seem to have SDK / samples/ py/ DigitalDiscovery_Play.py. Second, can I have 256MiB played on 1 bit? That is, if the sample rate is 100MHz, the pattern will be 256s long? Thx.
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