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  1. Thanks for the link! I'm able to get the block design to compile, but when I import the software project into Vitis I'm seeing errors. When I import the software project there are actually 2 projects in one (one of them being a fsbl). Not sure what to make of the fstb, but I'm going to try removing it and introducing the project code into an empty project and see if that works.
  2. Hi, Im also trying to accomplish the same thing using the Zybo z7 20 flash. However I don't actually have a program to run, just implementing a bare metal project in Vivado. How can I progam the flash from within Vivado using only my bitstream? I think I need the exact part number of the flash to to this.
  3. Hi, I have a Zybo Z7 and I'd like to learn how to use the HDMI port for outputting an arbitrary test pattern. I see that there is a current video manipulation example project that utilizes both the input/output ports. Can this be used to accomplish what I'm trying to do? Or is there another project I can reference? Thank you so much! Chris
  4. chiron40k

    Zybo Z7-20

    Hi, I'm attempting to connect a VGA monitor to my Zybo. I see that a Pmod is available for this, but I'd like to try to build up that functionality myself. Given that I'm using 5 of the Pmod 3.3V outputs for VSYNC, HSYNC, R, G, and B how do I select the correct resistors between the output of the Pmod port and the VGA connector? I understand that the RGB pins are rated for 0.7V peak-to-peak and that the expected impedance on these lines is 75 Ohms. Also, is it necessary to use a bus transciver between the Pmod and the VGA connectors? Thanks! Chris
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