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Posts posted by AA_TO

  1. Direct USB cable connection did the trick:


    So windows is now happy - it sees 3 com ports and 4 USB serial  conv. - I guess JTAG being the other one. Vivado however did not find the Xilinx device, will have to do more troubleshooting.

  2. I've tried different PC/Cable with the same result. Signal integrity definitely can be an issue - USB signals are connected to the microUSB  connector with just two single wires, however short they are. There are no pads etc on the board - I kind of breadboarded the whole thing. I'm going to chop a good USB cable and solder wires to the module directly, hopefully it will work better. Thanks! 

  3. Hello Michael,

    Here are some screenshots:



    As of schematic - I'm at prototyping stage now and don't have "official: schematic as of yet. I attached the module to my existing board for checking. USB+/- (pins 26/25) connected to the MicroUSB connector, grounds (9, 18, 27) to my board ground. I used 5V USB_VBUS with 3.3V LDO for VDD (pin 19); USB 5V is connected to VBUS_DETECT (pin 24). VREF_JTAG (pin 28) connected to on-board 3.3V power rail. JTAG pins (1..4) connected to 14-pin on-board JTAG connector (Xilinx standard). When I connect Xilinx JTAG pod to this connector it works fine. I'm going to change the module power from USB to just on-board 3.3V to avoid any power sequencing issues, but not sure if it is going to solve the wrong driver problem. One more thing - I have Linear Tech Power Play SW installed on my PC. It works with a USB to I2C Linear pod which apparently uses FT chip; I believe it has installed FTDI drivers (slightly older version). Not sure if this may cause any conflicts.

    So far I don't have any serial bus connections (eventually will need just a single port. PS_POR_B and PS_SRST_B are disconnected as of now, but I will need them eventually.




  4. Hi, I have the module connected to a Windows 10 PC. Windows is reporting error with code 43. Module is powered by 3.3V LDO which uses USB_VBUS (5V) as an input. I installed the latest FTDI drivers (CDM212364), but it does not seem to work - Windows assigns the standard USB driver to device instead of the FTDI one. When manually changing driver, none of the available FTDI options seem to work.  Tried installing Adept - which in my understanding also installs the drivers, but still no success. Vivado (2020.1) also does not see the module.

    Do you have any recommendations on how to handle software/driver issues of JTAG SMT4?  

  5. Hi,

    I'm planning to use this module with a single UART port (along with JTAG). A couple of questions:

    1. Is it OK to leave all unused UART port pins open? 

    2. I do not need hardware flow control pins (RTS/CTS) on active UART port - OK to leave them open?

    3. Can unused UART ports be disabled in software?

    4. What is the approximate current consumption for the Vdd pin?


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