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Posts posted by ilovefpga

  1. I followed this forum and changed the constraint files of the Zybo Z720 in Vivado and successfully generate bitstream and the xsa file to import into Vitis. https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/8943-pmod-as-input-and-output-gpio/

    #Pmod Header JE                                                          

    set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V12  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { je_pin1_io }];  

    set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W16  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { je_pin2_io }];           

    set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J15  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { je_pin3_io }];            

    set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H15  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { je_pin4_io }];          

    set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V13  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { je_pin7_io }];      

    set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U17  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { je_pin8_io }];       

    set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T17  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { je_pin9_io }];         

    set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN Y17  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { je_pin10_io }];   

    I am able to control the GPIO pins of port JF on the Zybo Z720 using the following code, how do I edit this so that I am able to turn on/off LEDs using the Pmod port JE instead.

    #include "xil_cache.h"

    #include "xparameters.h"

    #include "stdio.h"

    #include "xparameters.h"

    #include "xuartps.h"

    #include "xtime_l.h"

    #include "xgpiops.h"

    #include "sleep.h"

    #include "xil_io.h"

    #include "xil_types.h"

    #include "xil_printf.h"

    #include "sleep.h"

    #include "stdlib.h"

    #include "string.h"



    #define HostUart XUartPs

    #define HostUart_Config XUartPs_Config

    #define HostUart_CfgInitialize XUartPs_CfgInitialize

    #define HostUart_LookupConfig XUartPs_LookupConfig

    #define HostUart_Recv XUartPs_Recv

    #define HostUartConfig_GetBaseAddr(CfgPtr) (CfgPtr->BaseAddress)




    #define TIMER_FREQ_HZ 100000000

    #define MAX_WIDTH 320

    #define MAX_HEIGHT 240

    #define MAX_BUTTON 16


    #ifdef __MICROBLAZE__


    #define HostUart XUartLite

    #define HostUart_Config XUartLite_Config

    #define HostUart_CfgInitialize XUartLite_CfgInitialize

    #define HostUart_LookupConfig XUartLite_LookupConfig

    #define HostUart_Recv XUartLite_Recv

    #define HostUartConfig_GetBaseAddr(CfgPtr) (CfgPtr->RegBaseAddr)

    #include "xuartlite.h"

    #include "xil_cache.h"



    #define HostUart XUartPs

    #define HostUart_Config XUartPs_Config

    #define HostUart_CfgInitialize XUartPs_CfgInitialize

    #define HostUart_LookupConfig XUartPs_LookupConfig

    #define HostUart_Recv XUartPs_Recv

    #define HostUartConfig_GetBaseAddr(CfgPtr) (CfgPtr->BaseAddress)

    #include "xuartps.h"





    #define BLOCK_SIZE 40


    void startup();


    XGpioPs_Config *ConfigPtr;

    XGpioPs output;


    int main() {




      XGpioPs_WritePin(&output, 13, 1); //led on (pin 1,2,3,4)

      XGpioPs_WritePin(&output, 10, 1);

      XGpioPs_WritePin(&output, 11, 1);

      XGpioPs_WritePin(&output, 12, 1);



      void startup(){ //initialize pins for JF


      ConfigPtr = XGpioPs_LookupConfig(XPAR_PS7_GPIO_0_DEVICE_ID);

      XGpioPs_CfgInitialize(&output, ConfigPtr, ConfigPtr->BaseAddr);


      XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&output, 13, 1);

      XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(&output, 13,1); //pin1 JF1


      XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&output, 10, 1);

      XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(&output, 10,1); //pin2 JF2


      XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&output, 11, 1);

      XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(&output, 11,1); //pin3 JF3


      XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&output, 12, 1);

      XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(&output, 12,1); //pin4 JF4


  2. Hi, I am currently working on IOT control using ZYBO-Z7 FPGA with the Pmod ESP32, my goal is to read multiple data across 8 fields simultaneously, my current method is reading data from individual fields manually using the code given from this user from a digilent forum (https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/21634-retrieve-data-from-thingspeak-through-using-pmod-esp32/), this method makes the control for IOT very slow as I have to individually wait for 8 fields of data one by one. My current solution I am testing out is to read json data using the C++ code below, however the json file is a placed in constant and can only read from that specific array and does not update real time data from thingspeak, how do I get my ZYBO-Z7 to process multiple data from a single feed with 8 fields all from one json URL? Much needed help please and thanks.

    Sorry if I am not clear i can clarify more if need be.

    Current code which reads data from fields 1 by 1 

    backup2 19112021.txt 

    Testing code using json format


  3. I am coding C++ in Vitis 2019.2 on the Zybo Z720 and I am only able to get temperature readings from pin 1-6 of the Pmod port. Currently trying to get the Pmod HYGRO to be able to read from both top 6 pins and bottom 6 pins, how do I do that? Attached are the code used and readings which I got from the top 6 pins and bottom 6 pins respectively. 


    This is my Vitis code


    Readings from top 6 pins of the Pmod port (accurate reading)


    Readings from bottom 6 pins of the Pmod port (error reading)


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