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Posts posted by ufsahu

  1. Hi,


    I have been using Genesys2 FPGA Digilent Board on Vivado in Centos with the already present settings of Port A having Driver as D2XX Direct and Hardware as 245 FIFO. Recently I tried to change these configurations through FT_Prog to Driver = virtual COM Port and Hardware = RS232 UART (the reason to do so is because we are seeing these settings in our actual chip and the chip is showing a libusb open () error and we thought that changing the Genesys2 settings to the chip's settings could give us the same error, although it didn't, and unfortunately the interface card associated the chip is not being programmed through FT_Prog).


    However, when trying to change the configurations of Genesys2 back to the original settings of D2XX Direct and 245 FIFO (and serial numbers also), now Vivado is not detecting the board. Is there a way to restore factory settings of this Genesys2 board, so that Vivado detects it? On lsusb, the device appears showing both JTAG and UART ports, but Vivado is not detecting, and also tried restarting the computer and such minor fixes, but still the same. (Including changing the location of drive files "sudo cp /soft/Xilinx/Vivado/2018.3/data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin64/install_script/install_drivers/*.rules /etc/udev/rules.d ")


    Vivado shows,
    INFO: [Labtools 27-2285] Connecting to hw_server url TCP:localhost:3121

    disconnect_hw_server localhost:3121


    INFO: [Labtools 27-2285] Connecting to hw_server url TCP:localhost:3121


    How do I recover this? Thanks!


    Sincerely yours,



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