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  1. Thanks Attila for this, I didn't realize that the py examples are different from the C examples. The solution solves the issue I raised but it looks I didn't express myself correctly. In the proposed solution, the device waits for the end of the trigger pulse before it triggers. Obviously as otherwise it couldn't figure out if the length if the pulse complies with the max length spec. In my case that creates a problem. I don't care about the max length, I just want the trigger to occur after the minimum specified length. In that way I know how far to prefill the buffer in order to capture some points before the last rising edge. In fact, what I want to do is really reject pulses shorter then e.g 200ns. Consequently the device could trigger as soon as 200ns of high level have elapsed. I would be glad to experiment with the settings of the device but I feel some documentation on the trigger/detector system is lacking (or I didn't find it). I don't see how the different functions interact making experimenting a bit harder. Regards, Peter.
  2. Hi, I have the Digital discovery working in Labview to capture random pulses and measure their length. The pulse length is measured at 10ns resolution, their length is around 100..1000ns. This is the initialisation : set TRIGSRC to 3 trigger_slope_set to 0. fsedgerise in trigger_set to 1 to measure and trigger on DIN0 trigger_length_set secMin to 1E-7, secMax to 1, idxSync to 0 trigger_auto_timeout to 0 Glitches of less than 100ns need to be ignored as trigger but this is not working. I haven't used the triggerMatchSet (deserializer ?) as I don't understand its relationship with the trigger_length function. Would there be an example code somewhere or more detailed doc on setting up this feature of the trigger system ? Kind regards.
  3. Hi, I'm using the digital discovery connected to a function generator. It has been set up as logic analyzer to sample at 1Mhz, DIN0..7, triggered on a rising edge of DIN0. For this I followed the flow from DigitalIn_record.py. Now I want to read the data so I check with DigitalInStatusRecord. The number of available samples is read with DigitalInStatusData. For this I edited the latter VI to accept and return rgData to be an "array" of type "array data pointer" of size countofdatabytes. First problem seems to be that no data is read back, I only see 0s. In Waveforms I see the applied signal so hardware is fine. Second problem is that the trigger config seems incorrect as the device always has the maximum number of samples available since the last read and not since the last trigger event. I'm reading at 10Hz, triggers come at 5Hz. Obviously I need to get problem 1 solved before looking into problem 2. I might be doing something wrong while editing the DigitalInStatusData.vi. I've tried several options, got none working though. Also quite annoying : LV cashes every second time I edit a digilent library VI. Thanks for any hints.
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