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Posts posted by Keaton

  1. Hello, I have a Pmod IA module connected to my Arduino UNO running the example code from this library: https://github.com/mjmeli/arduino-ad5933. However, when I run the code, I get unexpected values. 

    The code and calculations for this stuff goes way over my head so I have not modified the code in any way other than to mess around with the REF_RESIST value.

    When using a reference resistor of 10kOHMs, after calibration it reads as 10kOHMs. However, if I replace that resistor with a 5k or 20k OHM resistor, it still reads as 10kOHMs, but if I replace it with a 100kOHM resistor, it reads as around 25kOHMs. Interestingly, if I set REF_RESIST to 10k but I calibrate it with a 100k resistor, it reads as 10k, but when I replace it with 200k and 300k resistors, it reads as 20k and 30k, so it seems like SOMETHING is working, although adding a capacitor in the mix to measure complex impedance did not result in the correct value divided by 10. However, if I set REF_RESIST to 100k and try calibrating it with a 100k resistor it reads as -31k or something.

    Clearly I am doing something wrong but I am very new to this. I am pretty sure all of my connections are correct so maybe I have to modify the code in some way for my purposes. Any help is appreciated.

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