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Foo Kian Sang

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Posts posted by Foo Kian Sang

  1. Hi @JColvin,

    Thanks for the message. By the way, I also had download the Vivado 2017.4 and SDK 2017.4. The bitstream file can be successfully generated by the Vivado 2017.4 and exported to the SDK 2017.4. However, when I tried to build the application project using the new branch, the same errors is still appear there, saying there is no "mtds.h" directory although I already followed the steps as mentioned in the readme.txt and copy the "mtds.h" file into the src folder. Not sure what is the problem that may cause this, kindly need some advices on this issue. Hopefully the engineers can figure out the problems and solve the issues on short time. 

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  2. hi @JColvin,

    I also had try using the new branch of IP repository, tested in Vitis 2020.1 and SDK 2016.4. However, both also cannot build successfully for the application project. Both having the same errors, missing "mtds.h" file although it was already inside the src file. 

    On 10/16/2021 at 7:52 AM, JColvin said:

    Hi @Foo Kian Sang,

    The engineer I was working with made a branch of the IP repository, https://github.com/Digilent/vivado-library/archive/refs/heads/mtds-library-sources.zip; I tested it on 2017.4 and was able to get a bitstream and the application project to build (following the updated readme as part of the SDK side of things). I'm still working on testing other versions of Vivado and SDK/Vitis to see if the project successfully builds in those versions as well.



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  3. Hi @JColvin,

    I had follow according to the steps listed. The application is successfully build, but when I run as "launch hardware", it shows that the "Executables selected for download on to the following processors doesn't exist or incorrectly specified. Do you wish to ignore them and proceed?". It looks like project can be build successfully but the elf file is not generated. I not sure what is the error may cause this happen. 

    On 10/16/2021 at 2:09 AM, JColvin said:

    Hi @Foo Kian Sang,

    I asked another engineer more experienced in fighting with SDK and their thought was that the makefile in the bsp probably isn't building the c++ files. They did do the following with a non-working SDK 2017.4 project that worked for them (though I'm still getting errors despite following the exact same steps), but maybe it will work for you.


    Let me know if that works for you. In theory this approach should work with other versions of Xilinx SDK/Vitis and not just 2017.4 (presuming you don't get errors saying a .cpp can't find a .h file that is in the exact same folder as it, like I am).

    Let me know how this goes.



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  4. hi @JColvin,

    Thanks for replying. I also had tried with 2021.1, 2020.1, 2019.1, 2018.2 and 2016.4. All come with the same error. I think it is the library problem, and maybe need the engineer that work with this Pmod MTDS to help to find out what is the problem dealing with this error. 

    Hopefully you can help to find out which version can used to work with this Pmod MTDS. 

    Thank you very much.  

  5. Hi,

    I trying to build some project by implement the PMOD MTDS using microblaze on Arty A7-35T. I had followed the instructions in the README.txt of PMOD MTDS and the microblaze ip core with the PMOD MTDS ip core is successfully built with bitstream file successfully generated. However, when built the project using VITIS 2020.1, it failed. It show that "undefined reference to mydisp". When I open up the folder, it seem liked the "stdint.h" library file is not recognized by the compiler. Kindly need help on this kind of problem. 


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  6. Hi, 

    I had tried using the Pmod MTDS to build some simple projects by using the microblaze with Arty A7-35T. I had followed the "Getting Started with Digilent Pmod IPs" tutorial. The bitstream file was successfully generated and exported to the VITIS 2020.1. After I created an application project in the VITIS 2020.1, I copied the main.cc and MyDispDemo1.cc into the src folder as requested after read the README.txt. However, when I started to build the project, it failed. It seem like missing the library files for the MyDispDemo.cc. I had tried many methods, rebuild it, and try to export the bitstream file again to the VITIS 2020.1. However, the problem still exist. So, is there any steps I miss out? Kindly need some helps in order to make the Pmod MTDS works with the microblaze by using the Arty A7-35T. 

    Thank you very much. 

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  7. Hi, recently bought one FPGA Arty A7-35T. I had built out some simple projects by using this FPGA board and they are successful. However, when I reconnect it to my computer, the Vivado hardware manager cannot auto detect the board. I had tried uninstall the driver and reinstall the driver. But, the board still cannot be detected. When it is connected to the computer by using the usb port, the power up led (LD11) and program led (LD8) are light up. Besides, the LED LD9 & LD10 also been light up. For my understanding, LD9 & LD10 is the transmit and receive indicator for the UART connection, but, previously I didnt program any project into the flash memory. So, I think both of these LED shouldnt be light up. May I know is this a hardware failure? Is this problem can lead to the problem that Vivado hardware manager cannot detect the FPGA board? For your information, teraterm also cannot detect the serial port of the FPGA board. Kindly need some helps. Thank you very much.  

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