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Posts posted by palmervb

  1. Hello All,

    I am very new to learning how to program FPGAs and right now I am working with the CMod A-7 35T board. Apologies if this is a super simple question, but I have been having some issues with using the CMod A-7 Out of Box Demo found on this page (https://reference.digilentinc.com/programmable-logic/cmod-a7/start). I have been able to successfully program my FPGA with both the GPIO demo, the XADC demo, and I have gone through the "Getting Started with Vivado" tutorial as well, so I have been able to program my FPGA both to the SRAM and Quad SPI flash. However I am not getting the expected result programming the Out of Box Demo, and I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong or if there is a known issue with this demo.

    I initially used tutorial found here (https://reference.digilentinc.com/learn/programmable-logic/tutorials/github-demos/start and https://github.com/Digilent/Cmod-A7-35T-OOB?_ga=2.230333396.953160938.1622227269-1673101782.1621522474) which uses Vivado 2018.2 and Vivado SDK. I am currently running Vivado 2020.2 with Vitis, so I could not follow this tutorial all of the way through. I dug around and found this page (https://reference.digilentinc.com/programmable-logic/cmod-a7/demos/oob) which lists the tutorial as using 2020.1, but the page is listed as under construction. Whether I followed the 2020.1 tutorial, or just opened the program from the 2018.2 files and programmed the FPGA through the hardware manager on Vivado, the result is the same; the LED by pin 24 stays bright red, and one of the LEDs near the tricolor LED stays bright orange. Neither of the buttons cause any change on the board itself, and nothing shows up in Tera Term.

    I do not get any error messages when I generate a bitstream or program the FPGA, but I do get an alert on Vivado that "The design contains IP with major version changes. Please refer to the Change Log to understand the impact of upgrading an IP with major version change in your design, prior to upgrading." which I assume is at least part of the issue, but I don't know exactly where that is or how I would make those changes.

    Thank you all in advance and hopefully I gave you enough information to answer my question. If there's anything else I would need tp provide let me know.

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